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Upplev precision med LOCK-N-LOAD Bullet Comparator frĂ„n Hornady! 🔧 Perfekt för att mĂ€ta och jĂ€mföra kulor i olika kalibrar.


090255704051 749004951

Top takeaways

  1. LOCK-N-LOAD Bullet Comparator-kroppen fÀsts enkelt pÄ skjutmÄttet med en tumskruv och anvÀnder insatser för olika kalibrar.
  2. Kan anvÀndas med Stoney Point Chamber-All OAL-mÀtverktyg eller en konventionell centreringsmetod för exakt inriktning.
  3. Insatser sÀljs separat eller som ett kit med sex insatser, och kroppen kan Àven hÄlla Stoney Point hylsrymdsmÀtarinsatser.


  • Kaliber: 25 Caliber (.257),270/6.8 mm (.277),284/7 mm (.284),30 Caliber (.308),22 Caliber (.224),243/6 mm (.243)
  • Leveransvikt: 0,635kg
  • Leveranshöjd: 41mm
  • Leveransbredd: 112mm
  • LeveranslĂ€ngd: 152mm
  • UPC: 090255704051

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA
  • Specifikationer:
  • Kaliber: 243/6 mm (.243), 284/7 mm (.284), 30 Caliber (.308), 25 Caliber (.257), 270/6.8 mm (.277), 22 Caliber (.224)
0 0 1 SEK
  • Specifikationer:
  • Kaliber: 243/6 mm (.243), 284/7 mm (.284), 30 Caliber (.308), 25 Caliber (.257), 270/6.8 mm (.277), 22 Caliber (.224)


Visa original (engelska)
Kroppen pÄ Stoney Point Chamber-All Bullet Comparator fÀsts vid bladet pÄ din skjutmÄtt med en liten tumskruv och anvÀnder insatser för varje kaliber. Utformningen av detta verktyg möjliggör korrekt justering nÀr det anvÀnds med Stoney Point Chamber-All OAL-mÀtare (offset-lÀge), eller det kan anvÀndas pÄ ett konventionellt centrallinje-sÀtt. Insatser sÀljs separat, eller sÄ kan verktyget köpas med sex insatser som ett kit. Kroppen kan ocksÄ anvÀndas för att hÄlla Stoney Point headspace gauge-insatser.

Top takeaways

  1. LOCK-N-LOAD Bullet Comparator-kroppen fÀsts enkelt pÄ skjutmÄttet med en tumskruv och anvÀnder insatser för olika kalibrar.
  2. Kan anvÀndas med Stoney Point Chamber-All OAL-mÀtverktyg eller en konventionell centreringsmetod för exakt inriktning.
  3. Insatser sÀljs separat eller som ett kit med sex insatser, och kroppen kan Àven hÄlla Stoney Point hylsrymdsmÀtarinsatser.


  • Kaliber: 25 Caliber (.257),270/6.8 mm (.277),284/7 mm (.284),30 Caliber (.308),22 Caliber (.224),243/6 mm (.243)
  • Leveransvikt: 0,635kg
  • Leveranshöjd: 41mm
  • Leveransbredd: 112mm
  • LeveranslĂ€ngd: 152mm
  • UPC: 090255704051

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA


Kundbetyg (3)

5 / 5
Rekommenderar varmt

Brownells USA Great Tool & Highly Recommended!!! 2012-06-10

I decided to order this comparator when I purchased my Remington 700 SPS Tactical (.308). When I bought this rifle, I wanted to take my reloading a step further and dive into the world of precision hand loads. Up to this point, I was reloading rounds mostly for target practice and a few for hunting every year. So the reloading gear I own was sufficient enough to get the job done, but not for higher quality hand loads. But as I began realizing how challenging precision hand loading can be, I knew that I would have to reach out and get some reloading equipment that could help me get the job done.

Due to the fact that I had no experience with the tools needed for this type of work, I simply called into Sinclair International and spoke with one of their many highly experienced reloading techs. He couldn't have been more helpful in explaining about important tools, explaining how and why they worked. As you may have guessed, he suggested this comparator as an essential tool for the entire process.

This comparator can be ordered by itself or with six inserts for different calibers. Being that I have several different calibers, I figured why not buy the kit and not have to get the other inserts later. The Comparator simply attaches to the blade on your caliber with a small brass set screw. The cut out in the comparator can be used for an inline OAL gauge or an offset OAL gauge. This is achieved by removing the brass set screw from one side of the body to the other side. Changing the set screw will make the comparator sit either in-line or offset which came in really handy.

The inserts are also just as easy to install and remove. Depending on which caliber you are reloading for, pick that insert and slide it into the top of the comparator body. It is then secured with a steel Allen screw (Allen key included). Changing from caliber to caliber is a breeze and can be done in seconds.

The best part about this comparator, is that it can be used to measure your bullet's OAL from the bullet's ogive. Measuring from the bullet tip is usually not reliable and measurements can sometimes vary from as much as .025" off from tip to tip, even with very high quality projectiles. The ogive gives a much more consistent measurement, which is especially important for precision hand loading.

This comparator goes great with the Hornady OAL gauges (straight and curved shaft) which makes the reloading process even that much more reliable and consistent. The last thing good about this comparator, is that it can be used with headspace gauge inserts as well. I would highly recommend this for anyone looking to get the best hand loads for their rifles. What a great product! Get one, you will not be disappointed!

Rekommenderar varmt

Brownells USA Get the Set 2012-01-21

Yes, you can buy all these parts separately, but let's face it-- you'll eventually need the size you don't have. Get the full set, it's worth it. (And, yes, the Hornady comparator works perfectly!)

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Brownells Sverige AB
Box 99
793 22 Leksand

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