- Modell: Commander,Government,Officers
- Vapentyp: 1911
- Mängd: 4
- Leveransvikt: 0,009kg
- Leveransbredd: 83mm
- Leveranslängd: 146mm
- UPC: 050806014374
Produktnr: 080831004
050806014374 Avslutar repor och skador på skruvhuvuden på 1911 Auto pistoler. Maskinbearbetade och härdade skruvar använder en Allen-huvudsocket för att förhindra att nyckeln glider och gör ditt "mästerverk" mindre än perfekt.Works for Ruger 22/45 2016-07-07
A bit longer than stock Ruger 22/45 grip screw. Search for the "Slim Grip" model if you want to replace your stock screws. I ordered these to fit some custom anatomical pistol grips for my 22/45.
These fit great on S&W E-Series 1911s. 2013-08-23
They fit perfect and come in a nice little bag with an hex wrench.
As for the shipping, they could have put them in a small padded envelope instead of such a large box. Seems like it would save on freight and materials. Could have also come USPS instead of parcel carrier.
Otherwise, great product and great Brownell's service, as always.
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