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Förbättra ditt grepp med Pearce Grip 1911! 🖐️ Enkel installation och ökad kontroll för en konsekvent fingerplacering.


605849400013 092100012


  • Ambidextrous Safety Cut: No
  • Färg: Svart
  • Material: Rubber
  • Modell: Government,Commander
  • Stil: Wrap Around
  • Vapentyp: 1911
  • Ytskikt: Checkered
  • Leveransvikt: 0,036kg
  • Leveranshöjd: 33mm
  • Leveransbredd: 94mm
  • Leveranslängd: 130mm
  • UPC: 605849400013

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.y.1
  • Specifikationer:
  • Ambidextrous Safety Cut: No
  • Färg: Svart
  • Make: 1911
  • Material: Rubber
  • Modell: Government, Commander
  • Stil: Wrap Around
  • Ytskikt: Checkered
339 339 1 SEK
339 SEK 339 kr

Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt

Produktnr: 092100012

Tillv.nr.: PG1911-1

605849400013 Ger ökad kontroll och en konsekvent fingerplacering. Installeras enkelt, inga permanenta modifieringar krävs. Kan användas med Pearce Soft Rubber Grips eller din favorit eftermarknadspanel.
Order kan placeras

Restorder. Skickas när den finns i lager. Leveranstid ca 4-12 veckor från centrallagret.


Restorder. Skickas när den finns i lager. Leveranstid ca 4-12 veckor från centrallagret.

  • Specifikationer:
  • Ambidextrous Safety Cut: No
  • Färg: Svart
  • Make: 1911
  • Material: Rubber
  • Modell: Government, Commander
  • Stil: Wrap Around
  • Ytskikt: Checkered


Visa original (engelska)
Formad för ökad komfort och kontroll
Ger ökad kontroll och en konsekvent fingerplacering. Installeras enkelt, inga permanenta modifieringar krävs. Kan användas med Pearce Soft Rubber Grips eller din favorit eftermarknadspanel.


  • Ambidextrous Safety Cut: No
  • Färg: Svart
  • Material: Rubber
  • Modell: Government,Commander
  • Stil: Wrap Around
  • Vapentyp: 1911
  • Ytskikt: Checkered
  • Leveransvikt: 0,036kg
  • Leveranshöjd: 33mm
  • Leveransbredd: 94mm
  • Leveranslängd: 130mm
  • UPC: 605849400013

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.y.1


Kundbetyg (15)

4,2 / 5
Rekommenderar inte

Brownells USA Not worth the pain. 2012-08-31

I'm glad I waited until now before writing a fair and accurate review of this product. Too many reviews are out-of-the-box first impressions. My first impressions after I greased my frame and fitted the Pearce Inserts were: "...comfortable..." and "...natural feeling." I took the fitted pistol to the range and was impressed with how easily I could control the shot. It wasn't until months later when I encountered problems. I took the grips off to re-grease and noticed the pistol has started to rust in spots where the rubber touches the frame. There are spots where the grips fit tight to the frame causing a seal. The grease in these areas wicks away. I spent hours in labor and research removing the rust. Feeling like I wasn't quite done cursing my 10 dollar blunder I, once again, tried greasing and refitting the inserts. I told myself that I would re-grease every month to prevent the rust from coming back. I was convinced the feel and control was worth it. However, when I tried re-installing, the inserts were so warped that the holes no longer aligned. I can only guess this was from the grease used to protect the firearm. Seeing this as an omen, I tossed them into the nearby trash can, wiped down the gun and installed just my old grip panels. Holding it in my hand my impressions were: "...comfortable..." and "...natural feeling." I took the Pearce-less pistol to the range and was impressed with how easy I could control the shot. In conclusion, if you're bored with the "same old" 1911 and interested in a product that will spice up the relationship with you and your pistol, ruin pieces of it you will never fully get back and force you to realize it was the "good old" 1911 design you fell in love with, then buy this product. I just hope she decides to come back after all you've done.

Rekommenderar varmt

Brownells USA Works great. 2012-08-02

I put this on my personal 1911 to help with grip and recoil. It gives a little larger grip since it goes under the regular grips. I have large hands so I liked that. I did have to trim the top egde on one side and cut off a little where the ambi safty sits under the grip. For the money it is one of the cheaper things you can do to improve the feel of your 1911. You might have to do a little trimming, but a pair of sharp scissors or razor blade will make it easy.


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Brownells Sverige AB
Box 99
793 22 Leksand

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