Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.y.1
Ambidextrous Safety Cut: No
Färg: Svart
Make: 1911
Material: Rubber
Modell: Government, Commander
Stil: Wrap Around
Ytskikt: Checkered
339SEK339 kr
Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt
Produktnr: 092100012
Tillv.nr.: PG1911-1
605849400013 Ger ökad kontroll och en konsekvent fingerplacering. Installeras enkelt, inga permanenta modifieringar krävs. Kan användas med Pearce Soft Rubber Grips eller din favorit eftermarknadspanel.
Order kan placeras
Restorder. Skickas när den finns i lager. Leveranstid ca 4-12 veckor från centrallagret.
Restorder. Skickas när den finns i lager. Leveranstid ca 4-12 veckor från centrallagret.
Adds increased control and repeatable finger placement. Installs easily, no permanent modifications required. May be used with the Pearce Soft Rubber Grips or your favorite aftermarket panel.
Formad för ökad komfort och kontroll
Ger ökad kontroll och en konsekvent fingerplacering. Installeras enkelt, inga permanenta modifieringar krävs. Kan användas med Pearce Soft Rubber Grips eller din favorit eftermarknadspanel.
Ambidextrous Safety Cut:No
Stil:Wrap Around
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.y.1
Kundbetyg (15)
4,2 / 5
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Not worth the pain. 2012-08-31
I'm glad I waited until now before writing a fair and accurate review of this product. Too many reviews are out-of-the-box first impressions. My first impressions after I greased my frame and fitted the Pearce Inserts were: "...comfortable..." and "...natural feeling." I took the fitted pistol to the range and was impressed with how easily I could control the shot. It wasn't until months later when I encountered problems. I took the grips off to re-grease and noticed the pistol has started to rust in spots where the rubber touches the frame. There are spots where the grips fit tight to the frame causing a seal. The grease in these areas wicks away. I spent hours in labor and research removing the rust. Feeling like I wasn't quite done cursing my 10 dollar blunder I, once again, tried greasing and refitting the inserts. I told myself that I would re-grease every month to prevent the rust from coming back. I was convinced the feel and control was worth it. However, when I tried re-installing, the inserts were so warped that the holes no longer aligned. I can only guess this was from the grease used to protect the firearm. Seeing this as an omen, I tossed them into the nearby trash can, wiped down the gun and installed just my old grip panels. Holding it in my hand my impressions were: "...comfortable..." and "...natural feeling." I took the Pearce-less pistol to the range and was impressed with how easy I could control the shot. In conclusion, if you're bored with the "same old" 1911 and interested in a product that will spice up the relationship with you and your pistol, ruin pieces of it you will never fully get back and force you to realize it was the "good old" 1911 design you fell in love with, then buy this product. I just hope she decides to come back after all you've done.
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Works great. 2012-08-02
I put this on my personal 1911 to help with grip and recoil. It gives a little larger grip since it goes under the regular grips. I have large hands so I liked that. I did have to trim the top egde on one side and cut off a little where the ambi safty sits under the grip. For the money it is one of the cheaper things you can do to improve the feel of your 1911. You might have to do a little trimming, but a pair of sharp scissors or razor blade will make it easy.
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works perfect 2012-07-09
Easy to trim with scissors, fits well and gives a comfortable, secure feel for a good grip. Buying a few more
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Cheap 2012-05-16
It's cheap and flimsy, it's not even an actual wrap around. Bottom line it's a waste of money, wish they would of had better pictures of the product.
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Exactly as advertised! 2012-03-09
I gambled that this product would fit my Beeman P-1 pellet pistol, and it did! It fit perfectly right out of the box with no alterations whatsoever
I shoot a Colt Gold Cup National Match .45 ACP, and have to drive a distance to shoot it, and the cost of ammo has risen dramatically. The Beeman P-1 allows me to shoot at home whenever I like, and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
I have large hands, and this grip enhancer has made this weapon much more comfortable to grip, get on target and fire. Great enhancement, and Brownells' service is the best!
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cutting required to make look flush but works perfectly for a sure grip.
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Best solution to improve grip 2011-07-11
This was so easy to install on my Citadel and allowed me to chose the grips that I wanted unlike other wrap around grips.
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This grip fit perfect 2011-07-06
I put this grip under my rosewood grips & they fit perfect, no triming. they were just slightly larger and even enough to look like a little custom trim around the grips, 1/16" maybe, looked good. If you install them correctly the wood fits perfectly in the rubber grips.
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Great addition, improved feel 2011-06-04
Sure the enhancement could use some minor trimming around the edges but ya gotta make em to fit biggest grips available. Trimming em ain't rocket science! They definetly improved the feel of my Springfield RO and the looks as well.
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I can't believe everyone gave 5 stars 2011-05-12
I don't know. Maybe I got the one made at 5pm on a Friday. This item was NOT good at all! The fit was off, the rubber extends out of the grip, there is a BIG gap between the grip and the finger grooves on one side.
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Improved feel. 2011-05-03
Greatly improved fit and feel of gun. Easy installation. Minor trimming of excess rubber to improve looks.
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Improves grip 2010-12-07
Makes 1911 easier to hold
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Perfect addition at a great price. 2010-04-26
Absolutely crucial for a sure grip, specialy for those with large hands. Makes your 1911 feel like it's part of your body.
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comfort and control 2010-04-23
I bought a gun with a smooth front strap. For me this fixed it. Good feel. Add your favorite grips and your set.
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Pearce grip 2010-02-26
Great addition to my gun and cheap to. With the grip being made of rubber it allows me to keep a good grip of the gun when shooting it. I love it and it goes very well with accessoriy rail , the multi comp, and the extended mags I have gotton for it. I'm almost done with it just a few more things left for it.
Förbättra ditt grepp med Pearce Grip 1911! 🖐️ Enkel installation och ökad kontroll för en konsekvent fingerplacering.
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This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Handfyllande grepp för bättre rekylkontroll med fingerurtag för halvautomatiska pistoler.
Formgjutna gummigrepp med halkfri, kornig yta för ökad komfort och stötdämpning.
Passar 1911 Auto-modeller med Double Diamond mönster och ambidextrous säkerhetsutskärning.
Klassiska 1911 American Legend Grips från Pachmayr med tydlig checkering i dubbel-diamantmönster eller halv-checkerat mönster.
Greppen är tillverkade av rosenträ med Pachmayr-medaljonginläggning och har ett distinkt utseende.
Passar Government och Commander 1911s och är utformade för att passa ambidextra säkringar.
Enstyckeskonstruktion som ger ett stabilt grepp utan skift eller vackel, vilket förbättrar koncentration och precision.
Ergonomisk design som exakt positionerar både höger- och vänsterhand och hjälper till att absorbera rekyl.
Gummi- och nylongrepp med stippelad yta förhindrar handglidning utan att slita på kläder vid bärande i hölster.
Unikt, omslutande grepp med framremmens räffling för bättre kontroll, tillverkat av hållbart neoprengummi.
Ingen modifiering av vapnet behövs; passar både höger- och vänsterskyttar av modellerna 1911 Government och Commander.
Över 22 kvadrattum med skarpa diamanter för ett halkfritt grepp, oavsett om det är vått eller torrt.