- Finish: Svart
- Höjd: 2.7''
- Kikarsikte tubdiameter: 1''
- Modell: 1898
- Stil: No Drill
- Vapentyp: Krag-Jorgensen
- Leveransvikt: 0,249kg
- Leveranshöjd: 30mm
- Leveransbredd: 107mm
- Leveranslängd: 152mm
Produktnr: 794001098 2365
Enkel installation utan borrning eller gängning krävs. Bas i högdraghållfasthetslegering utrustad med strömlinjeformade, S&K horisontellt delade ringar.Works Very well, but requires fitting 2011-03-30
Have recently mounted this on an 1898 Krag. While it requires no drilling of receiver (my primary concern) you will probably find that it requires some fitting on the rear of the mount where the magazine disconnect is located. As well, it does require minor inletting of the stock. Very well made, sturdy, and a great idea!
S&K base for 1898 Krag 2010-12-26
These are called no gunsmithing mounts but really are no drill and tap mounts. Installation requires inletting the stock sround the forward receiver ring, which can change the bedding. The scope is offset to the left to allow for ejection which changes the rifles ballence and causes the gun to want to rotate left. The mount does allow you to mount a scope securely without drilling holes but not without changing the feel and balence of the rifle.
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