- Antal Baser: 1-Piece
- Färg: Svart
- Material: Aluminum
- Modell: 41
- Stil: Weaver-Style Bases
- Vapentyp: Smith & Wesson
- Leveransvikt: 0,045kg
- Leveranshöjd: 13mm
- Leveransbredd: 79mm
- Leveranslängd: 188mm
Produktnr: 530041055 530041055
Lätt, extra-lång kikarskena ger gott om längd så att ögonavståndet kan anpassas exakt för varje enskild skytt. Passar de senaste, fabriksborrade och gängade piporna; borra och gänga äldre pipor. Accepterar alla Weaver-stil ringar.Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar.
9 st. i centrallagret.
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar.
9 st. i centrallagret.
Great Optic Mount Rail for the S&W M41 2014-07-20
Perfect fit to the barrel contour of my 5.5" barrel Model 41. Easy installation, and my Aimpoint Micro with integral Weaver base mounted right up with no problems. The LSP rail has many more mounting spaces than the Weaver or Weigand bases and is very well made. It has a generous "U" channel down the middle that allow you to use the irons with the optic dismounted if you wish.
Product needs improvement. 2012-10-20
Would never buy this product again, unless they fix the problem. I bought 2 of them but had to send them back. They fit the S&W model 41 ok, but scope rings don't tighten on the base. Not wide enough. Supposed to measure .829 across, but the two I had measured .810 to .818 end to end. I send them back, but they couldn't find one that measured what they should. I sure hope the fix the problem, because over all the product was great. It fit my 41 perfect but needs to be the right size so weaver style rings will work with it the way they said it will.
Vi stötte på ett fel när vi laddade innehållet. Vänligen uppdatera sidan för att fortsätta. Om problemet kvarstår, kontakta vår kundtjänst.