The LV/119 SYSTEM is a family of products that work together to give end-users the ability to scale their equipment to their current needs. The fact that this is a cohesive system means that end-users are able to mix and match accessories in most cases. For example: One could take a COVERT Front or Rear Plate bag and use it with an OVERT Front and Rear Plate Bag. Users may cross pollinate cummerbunds, shoulder covers, and other parts that will be available. The SYSTEM encompasses many parts, some of which are currently available and some that are in development. These include Back Panels of various types, MOLLE cummerbunds, First Spear Tubesâą integrations, and different placards. The LV/119 OVERT Rear Plate bag was built for those who need a scalable vest to wear in a multitude of environments ranging from Low Visibility to Direct Action. The OVERT shares the same profile as the COVERT plate bags, while possessing additional features that make it more suitable for high profile operations. The rear plate bag features full integration of our Recovery Handleâą. The rear bag also features minimal MOLLE webbing and Zippers for future integrations with our Zip-on panels that will be available later this year. Recovery Handle Integration. Full integration of our Recovery Handle. NOTE: the Recovery Handle is NOT included with this product. NOTE: The LV/119 OVERT Rear Plate Bag requires a Front Bag and Cummerbund for proper operation. Back Panel Support. The rear bag also features minimal MOLLE webbing and Zippers for integrations with our Zip-on panels. Note: The back panel integration is proprietary and will not support other brands of back panels. Communications Cable Routing. The Modern Warfighter and Law Enforcement Officer has a radio. To date, the majority of manufacturers have not taken end-user communications needs into their design considerations - we endeavor to break that paradigm. The OVERT offers open shoulders to facilitate commo cable routing inside the plate bags and over the shoulders. Cables may also be routed through the cummerbund access. Cummerbund Attachment. The cummerbund attachment is a proprietary system that allows for the use of all of our cummerbunds as well as allowing for a wide range of adjustment. The cummerbund attaches inside the plate bag, which is advantageous for a few reasons. There is no external mounting that can get snagged or rip off when exiting vehicles in haste. The design creates a smooth profile when worn underneath clothing. Velcro is not utilized as an attachment to the rear plate bag. Velcro wears out over time and is a generally less-than-optimal attachment method when not supported in other ways. Velcro doesn't handle weight well and it sticks to everything, especially cloth seats. Every front plate bag comes standard with sewn loops on the sides for attaching First Spear TUBES for use with Spiritus Systems tubes cummerbund. Plate Fitment. The carrier was designed to fit United States Standard Issue SAPI cut plates, but it will fit other cuts as well as long as they fit within the specifications listed below. The bags were built to accommodate thicker plates, but they will not fit plates do not fall within the measurements listed. Medium -10 x 12.5 Large - 10.25 x 13.25 Extra Large- 11 x 14.00 Thickness - MAXIMUM of 1.20 NOTE: The LV119 Rear Plate Bag is part of the LV119 Plate Carrier System. This item does not include a Front Plate Bag, Cummerbund, Shoulder Covers, Placards, or any other accessories. Additional components are required for proper use. Some images shown with optional accessories, sold separately.
LV/119 SYSTEM Ă€r en produktfamilj som arbetar tillsammans för att ge slutanvĂ€ndare möjlighet att anpassa sin utrustning efter sina aktuella behov. Det faktum att detta Ă€r ett sammanhĂ€ngande system innebĂ€r att slutanvĂ€ndare kan blanda och matcha tillbehör i de flesta fall. Till exempel: Man kan ta en COVERT Front eller Rear Plate bag och anvĂ€nda den med en OVERT Front och Rear Plate Bag. AnvĂ€ndare kan korsa cummerbunds, axelöverdrag och andra delar som kommer att finnas tillgĂ€ngliga. SYSTEMET omfattar mĂ„nga delar, varav nĂ„gra för nĂ€rvarande Ă€r tillgĂ€ngliga och nĂ„gra som Ă€r under utveckling. Dessa inkluderar bakpaneler av olika typer, MOLLE cummerbunds, First Spear Tubesâą integrationer, och olika placards. LV/119 OVERT Rear Plate bag Ă€r byggd för dem som behöver en skalbar vĂ€st att bĂ€ra i en mĂ€ngd olika miljöer, frĂ„n lĂ„g synlighet till direkt Ă„tgĂ€rd. OVERT har samma profil som COVERT plate bags, men har ytterligare funktioner som gör den mer lĂ€mplig för högprofilerade operationer. Den bakre plate bag har full integration av vĂ„r Recovery Handleâą. Den bakre vĂ€skan har ocksĂ„ minimal MOLLE webbing och dragkedjor för framtida integrationer med vĂ„ra Zip-on paneler som kommer att bli tillgĂ€ngliga senare i Ă„r. Recovery Handle Integration. Full integration av vĂ„r Recovery Handle. OBS: Recovery Handle ingĂ„r INTE med denna produkt. OBS: LV/119 OVERT Rear Plate Bag krĂ€ver en Front Bag och Cummerbund för korrekt drift. Bakpanelstöd. Den bakre vĂ€skan har ocksĂ„ minimal MOLLE webbing och dragkedjor för integrationer med vĂ„ra Zip-on paneler. Observera: Bakpanelintegration Ă€r proprietĂ€r och kommer inte att stödja andra mĂ€rken av bakpaneler. Kommunikationskabelrouting. Den moderna krigföraren och polisen har en radio. Hittills har majoriteten av tillverkarna inte tagit hĂ€nsyn till slutanvĂ€ndarnas kommunikationsbehov i sina designövervĂ€ganden - vi strĂ€var efter att bryta den paradigmen. OVERT erbjuder öppna axlar för att underlĂ€tta kabelrouting inuti plate bags och över axlarna. Kablar kan ocksĂ„ ledas genom cummerbundĂ„tkomst. CummerbundfĂ€ste. CummerbundfĂ€stet Ă€r ett proprietĂ€rt system som möjliggör anvĂ€ndning av alla vĂ„ra cummerbunds samt en bred justeringsomfĂ„ng. Cummerbundet fĂ€ster inuti plate bag, vilket Ă€r fördelaktigt av flera anledningar. Det finns ingen extern montering som kan fastna eller rivas av nĂ€r man lĂ€mnar fordon i hast. Designen skapar en slĂ€t profil nĂ€r den bĂ€rs under klĂ€der. Velcro anvĂ€nds inte som ett fĂ€ste till den bakre plate bag. Velcro slits ut över tid och Ă€r en generellt sett mindre optimal fĂ€stmetod nĂ€r den inte stöds pĂ„ andra sĂ€tt. Velcro klarar inte vikt bra och fastnar pĂ„ allt, sĂ€rskilt tygstolar. Varje front plate bag levereras som standard med sydda öglor pĂ„ sidorna för att fĂ€sta First Spear TUBES för anvĂ€ndning med Spiritus Systems tuber cummerbund. Plate Fitment. BĂ€raren Ă€r designad för att passa United States Standard Issue SAPI-cut plate, men den kommer ocksĂ„ att passa andra cut sĂ„ lĂ€nge de passar inom de specifikationer som anges nedan. VĂ€skorna Ă€r byggda för att rymma tjockare plattor, men de kommer inte att passa plattor som inte faller inom de angivna mĂ„tten. Medium -10 x 12.5 Large - 10.25 x 13.25 Extra Large- 11 x 14.00 Tjocklek - MAXIMUM av 1.20 OBS: LV119 Rear Plate Bag Ă€r en del av LV119 Plate Carrier System. Denna artikel inkluderar inte en Front Plate Bag, Cummerbund, Axelöverdrag, Placards eller nĂ„gra andra tillbehör. Ytterligare komponenter krĂ€vs för korrekt anvĂ€ndning. Vissa bilder visas med valfria tillbehör, som sĂ€ljs separat.