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Uppgradera din Mauser 93-96 med vår Cock-on-Open Kit från Dayton Traister! 🔧 Perfekt för förbättrad prestanda och säkerhet.




  • Modell: 93,96
  • Vapentyp: Mauser
  • Leveransvikt: 0,045kg
  • Leveranshöjd: 8mm
  • Leveransbredd: 61mm
  • Leveranslängd: 140mm

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
  • Specifikationer:
  • Make: Mauser
  • Modell: 93, 96
1299 1299 1 SEK
1299 SEK 1 299 kr

Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt

Produktnr: 240150096

Tillv.nr.: DCPM

Passar 93-96 Mauser. Omdesignad cocking piece och slagfjäder. Fungerar med Dayton Traister, andra kommersiella avtryckare eller militära avtryckare och säkerhet.
Order kan placeras
  • Specifikationer:
  • Make: Mauser
  • Modell: 93, 96


Visa original (engelska)
Uppgraderar åtgärden för enklare drift
Passar 93-96 Mauser. Omdesignad cocking piece och slagfjäder. Fungerar med Dayton Traister, andra kommersiella avtryckare eller militära avtryckare och säkerhet.

SPECS: Stål, svart, matt yta. Kräver modifiering av slutstycket.


  • Modell: 93,96
  • Vapentyp: Mauser
  • Leveransvikt: 0,045kg
  • Leveranshöjd: 8mm
  • Leveransbredd: 61mm
  • Leveranslängd: 140mm

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x


Kundbetyg (3)

4,3 / 5
Rekommenderar varmt

Brownells USA Just did my second one. 2016-01-15

The first one I did took me a bit of time to do because I did not know what I was doing. I just did my second one and It was so simple I can't understand what took me so long the first time. The whole job took me about 30 minutes. and it works great. The instructions are not precise and you get to learn the tricks on the first one you do and the second one is than simple. I now won't have enough projects to do for me to be able and do more of these. I now plan on converting EVERY small ring Mauser I have with this kit. I also love the fact that the cocking piece do not stick out so far back. Once again, I am not a gunsmith by any stretch of the imagination but only a hobbyist.


Brownells USA Just a hobbyist am I. 2015-09-02

I agree 100% with the previous review. I only did two of these so far and the first took me an hour to do. The second about 45 minutes. I found that the opening on the back of the bolt had to be cut a bit larger than the instructions recommended. Once I overcame the initial binding and tuff action by making this adjustment, everything became smooth and easy. A little lubricant helps also. At first I was attempting to fit the unit dry and it was a mistake. The largest issue I had was, being my firs attempt to do this, the instructions were not very clear. Once I was able to visualize what the instructions were attempting to convey, I was able to make the apocopate adjustments and everything fell into place, LITELARLY. I did my initial bolt carving on a Bridgeport with a 1/8" carbide cutter and did the final smoothing and fitting with a small air grinder and a cutoff wheel. I combined this unit with a 100-001-866 FN stile shroud and it makes a beautiful combination. I found that it works with any stile trigger. I also found that the spring works the best when the ground portion sits against the shroud and not against the striker. For me, with the spring in the reversed configuration, I found that it had a tendency to bind. I did not allow this experiment to scare me and I had a wonderful result. I am building a few rifles in the obscure 7.62 x 45 Czech cartridge for which the small ring Mauser is a perfect fit and this makes a beautiful rifle out of a military action. With the FN shroud it is a very nice finishing touch. This is a perfect combination for, plinking, hunting deer size game and smaller, target shooting and just all around fun with a rifle that no longer looks like it was a modified military piece.

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Box 99
793 22 Leksand

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