- Finish: Rostfritt stål
- Hand: Center
- Modell: Mark I,Mark II
- Vapentyp: Ruger
- Leveransvikt: 0,018kg
- Leveranshöjd: 1mm
- Leveransbredd: 83mm
- Leveranslängd: 146mm
Produkt detaljer
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x

Produktnr: 746102101 NONE
Ger ökad längd och bättre grepp för snabbare och enklare magasinbyten; även med överdimensionerade eller tävlingsgrepp. Lätt att installera, ersätter helt enkelt den fabriksmonterade magasinutlösaren utan permanenta förändringar på din pistol.much better than stock 2018-07-14
five minute install, do NOT remove spring - polished the SS unit to match my mk 2, looks good, works great, good price
Excellent results, big difference. 2013-04-15
I bought this part because I was having a problem with releasing and installing magazines due to my arthritic hands. Installation was easier and quicker than I expected, after reading some of the reviews. I took the grips off and pushed the bottom pin through the frame with a ball point pen. To put it back together, I pushed the new release against the spring and then toward the back of the frame, aligned all the holes and inserted the pin through the frame and the mag release. I had to lightly tap the pin into place with a plastic screwdriver handle.
When I checked for proper function, the empty magazine was hard to insert into the frame and the mag release would not fully close to hold the magazine properly in place. I spread the ears on the mag relese slightly, which allowed the magazine to insert properly into the pistol and lock up tightly. As someone else mentioned, it is not only easier to remove the magazine now, but also easier to insert a fresh magazine into the pistol. Although the release extends lower than the original, I do not expect to have problems with it catching on something and dumping the magazine.
Vi stötte på ett fel när vi laddade innehållet. Vänligen uppdatera sidan för att fortsätta. Om problemet kvarstår, kontakta vår kundtjänst.