891678000184 Investeringsgjuten, stålavtryckare ger ett lätt, rent avtryck så att du kan koncentrera dig på att träffa ditt mål. Värmebehandlingsprocessen håller kontaktytorna släta och enhetliga för tusentals skott. Använder fabriksäkerhet och passar utan gunsmithing. Justerbar för tändning och avtrycksvikt. MAR-1 passar alla tidiga produktion (före T-900™) Marlin bolt action rimfire gevär med en skruv eller driftpinne, avtryckarpivotpin-konfiguration. MAR-917 passar alla nuvarande produktion, 900-seriens gevär med T-900 Fire Control System.
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. 5 st. i centrallagret.
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. 5 st. i centrallagret.
Investment cast, steel trigger provides a light, clean breaking pull so you can concentrate on hitting your target. Heat treatment process keeps engagement surfaces smooth and uniform for thousands of rounds. Uses the factory safety and drops-in without gunsmithing. Adjustable for sear engagement and weight of pull. MAR-1 fits all early production (pre T-900™) Marlin bolt action rimfire rifles with a screw or drift pin, trigger pivot pin configuration. MAR-917 fits all current production, 900 Series rifles with T-900 Fire Control System.
SPECS: A-2 tool steel. Rc 50-55. Both MAR-1 and MAR-917 have weight of pull range between 1-lb and 2.5 lbs.
Minskar Avtrycksvikten För Bättre Noggrannhet
Investeringsgjuten, stålavtryckare ger ett lätt, rent avtryck så att du kan koncentrera dig på att träffa ditt mål. Värmebehandlingsprocessen håller kontaktytorna släta och enhetliga för tusentals skott. Använder fabriksäkerhet och passar utan gunsmithing. Justerbar för tändning och avtrycksvikt. MAR-1 passar alla tidiga produktion (före T-900™) Marlin bolt action rimfire gevär med en skruv eller driftpinne, avtryckarpivotpin-konfiguration. MAR-917 passar alla nuvarande produktion, 900-seriens gevär med T-900 Fire Control System.
SPECS: A-2 verktygsstål. Rc 50-55. Både MAR-1 och MAR-917 har en avtrycksvikt mellan 1-lb och 2.5 lbs.
Top takeaways
MAR-1 passar tidiga produktioner av Marlins repeterstudsare i kaliber .22, medan MAR-917 passar nuvarande produktioner med T-900 Fire Control System.
Avtryckaren är justerbar för slutstyckesengagemang och avtryckarvikt, vilket ger en lätt, ren brytning och förbättrad träffsäkerhet.
Avtryckarviktintervallet för både MAR-1 och MAR-917 är mellan ca 450 g och 1,1 kg, och produkten kan monteras utan behov av vapensmed.
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.c
Kundbetyg (6)
4,5 / 5
Rekommenderar varmt
Perfect Product 2018-09-04
I have three Marlin bolt guns. I love the accuracy of their products, but have never been happy with their triggers. I bought the Rifle Basix Triggers for each of them and started out with my 880 SQ. I was amazed at how easy it was to install and tune. I tinkered with it far longer than I needed to, but got it down perfectly to where I want it. The safety engages, and the trigger works flawlessly. I couldn't be happier with this trigger or Brownell's!
Rekommenderar med reservationer
Just three stars but I'd buy it again!! 2017-11-15
Installed this trigger on a 925M and I am overall very pleased with the results. The original trigger was a rough 5 - 5.5 lb. pull, after installation 1 - 2 lb pull.
It was fairly simple to install after I went to Rifle Basix's web site and downloaded the correct installation instructions, the package I received had instructions for a Savage rifle (- 1/2 star).
There is no way to lock the pull weight adjustment screw, apparently there's not room for a lock nut. The instructions tell you to use a pair of pliers and essentially smash/damage the threads. I opted to use Vibra-Tite VC-3 threadlocker. The manufacturer puts this product on the creep adjustment screw, not sure why they wouldn't just put it on both adjustment screws (- 1/2 star).
FWIW, I did try to "jack up" the threads using a pair of side cutters with marginal results at best.
There was only one other review here when I purchased this. I don't know what model rifle that reviewer has, he was concerned with the function of the safety after install. His worked, mine doesn't. I could and probably will do some mods and make if work, for now I'll just leave the bold open (- 1 star).
Well made and works as advertised. 2013-02-04
Installed trigger on a '50s era Marlin 81 C bolt rifle. Safety required some minor modification otherwise the trigger was a drop in. Adjustment was easy and it turned the rifle into a real tack driver. Pricey but you get what you pay for.
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Born again HARD! 2012-09-17
Trigger Basix replacement trigger for the Marlin 25 and Glenfield 80 has turned my plinker into a tack driver. The factory 8-10 pound trigger made getting any accuracy from my rifle nearly impossible. Trigger Basix replacement trigger is adjustable from 2-4 pounds. It is completely adjustable for weight of pull and creep. The Marlin 22 bolt rifles are capable of excellent accuracy. This trigger brings my rifle to it's true potential. It is a simple swap from the factory trigger. One pin out, new Trigger Basix trigger in, reinstall pin and you are done. The black finish makes the rifle look better than the factory chromed and brass colored aluminum triggers Marlin uses, too. The factory safety is completely compatible with the Trigger Basix trigger and the rifle requires no modifications. High-end price, but delivers high-end performance. This "add-on" is a no-brainer.
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Born again hard! 2012-09-16
Rifle Basix Marlin Rimfire Trigger has made my vintage Model 80 a tack driver! I am NOT kidding. I used to have a 10 pound factory trigger. It was horrendous. The Rifle Basix replacement trigger breaks at 2 pounds. It is completely adjustable for let-off and pull weight. It is safe, easy to install and requires no modifications to your rifle. It is finished black and looks so much nicer than the factory chromed trigger. The Marlin Glenfield 25/80 is capable of superb accuracy. This trigger upgrade is worth every penny. Marlin should take notice!
Rekommenderar varmt
Fantastic trigger! 2010-09-13
This trigger is an outstanding improvement to the stock unit. My trigger pull was reduced from over 5 lbs to 1 1/2 lbs, with zero creep. From reading earlier blogs I was concerned about safety engagement and function after installation. It turned out my concerns were unfounded. I took my time, and read the very staright forward directions a couple of times before pulling the old trigger out. My trigger pull is now a dream and I have no problems with my rifle's safety.
This part was pretty much a drop in process. There is some minor adjustment required for the weight of pull spring, but the fool proof instructions cover this process well. The package comes with the two allen wrenches needed to make all adjustments. There is no cutting, filing, or grinding required. Just follow the directions and you're done. My trigger fit so well I didn't even have to adjust for creep or over-tratvel.
Uppgradera din Marlin med MAR-1 avtryckaren! 🎯 Lätt, ren brytning och justerbar avtryckarvikt för precision och prestanda.
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