Installation av J-frame duty/carry-kitet minskar avtryckarvikten på din Smith & Wesson revolver från över 12 lbs till 9 lbs.
Kitet inkluderar en ny rebound slide-fjäder, huvudfjäder och ett Apex XP tändstiftskit, och kräver ingen anpassning av fabriksdelarna.
Fungerar med alla moderna centerfire J-frame revolvrar med rammonterat tändstift.
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
649SEK649 kr
Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt
Produktnr: 100007219 103-106
856008005260 Installation av detta kit minskar avtryckarens dragvikt på din centerfire J-frame Smith & Wesson revolver från över 12 lbs till 9 lbs. Kitet innehåller en ny rebound slide-fjäder, huvudfjäder och ett Apex XP tändstift-kit. Installation kräver ingen anpassning eller modifiering av de fabriksmonterade fjädrarna eller delarna. Ta bara bort de fabriksmonterade delarna och installera j-frame duty/carry kitet. Fungerar med alla moderna centerfire J-frame revolvrar med rammonterat tändstift.
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. Mer än 10 st. i centrallagret.
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. Mer än 10 st. i centrallagret.
Installation of this kit reduces trigger pull weight of your centerfire J-frame Smith & Wesson revolver from over 12 lbs to 9 lbs Kit contains a new rebound slide spring, main spring, and an Apex XP firing pin kit Installation requires no fitting or modification to the factory springs or parts Just remove the factory parts and install the j-frame duty/carry kit Works with all modern centerfire J-frame revolvers with the frame mounted firing pin
Installation av detta kit minskar avtryckarens dragvikt på din centerfire J-frame Smith & Wesson revolver från över 12 lbs till 9 lbs. Kitet innehåller en ny rebound slide-fjäder, huvudfjäder och ett Apex XP tändstift-kit. Installation kräver ingen anpassning eller modifiering av de fabriksmonterade fjädrarna eller delarna. Ta bara bort de fabriksmonterade delarna och installera j-frame duty/carry kitet. Fungerar med alla moderna centerfire J-frame revolvrar med rammonterat tändstift.
Top takeaways
Installation av J-frame duty/carry-kitet minskar avtryckarvikten på din Smith & Wesson revolver från över 12 lbs till 9 lbs.
Kitet inkluderar en ny rebound slide-fjäder, huvudfjäder och ett Apex XP tändstiftskit, och kräver ingen anpassning av fabriksdelarna.
Fungerar med alla moderna centerfire J-frame revolvrar med rammonterat tändstift.
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
Kundbetyg (9)
4,2 / 5
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.333 Batting Average 2016-09-04
Bought the spring kit for my new S&W 442. I channeled my inner armorer since being out of the army for nearly 19 years. After installing the new springs, I went to the range to test it out. I had 4 misfires in the first box of 50 cartridges that I shot through it, and the trigger would not return on it's own after being shot. I talked to S&W, who gladly mailed me new OEM main and rebound springs after I unsuccessfully tried to find my originals. Looks like I will be developing a stronger trigger finger.
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S&W 638 Installation and Performance 2014-07-26
In all honesty, I was a bit nervous about installing this kit, having never done any trigger work. APEX provided great videos as well as another Youtube video from Terry G titled "S&W Airweight Trigger Job: "The Yoda G Mod". I used APEX's videos for their kit, but I went a bit farther as the Yoda G Mod teaches how to completely dissassemble, remove the cylinder lock, what surfaces can use polishing and which ones not to touch. Replacing the springs is only 2/3 the job, in my opinion. Polishing most of the contact or "friction point" surfaces inside really make a huge difference also and are not hard- took me less than an hour to do the whole install, and that was using the two Apex Youtube videos and the Yoda video. Only issue I had was a small pin fell out in the area of the trigger guard upon complete dissasembly, and it was difficult from the video to tell excactly where that pin went. I found an exploded parts drawing on the internet and it saved the day. No left over parts. I would say double action pull, without using a gauge, decreased from a very hard 12-14 to a much more manageable 8 or so. Again this is subjective as I have no trigger pull gauge, but it is definitely much lighter. The 638 also has single action capability, and it seems to break about 2.5 - 3 lbs. Save yourself some money and buy the kit. A job like I did with the polishing and parts replacement would easily cost $150 or more. Just follow the instructions "exactly" as getting the side-plate off the way they describe is critical as is using the proper size screwdrivers. One tool they recommend for installing a spring, I didn't have, but it was no issue whatsoever. I am not a mechanic, by any means, but probably have average mechanical aptitude. If I can do this, you can do this. God Bless and have a great day!
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Amazing difference! 2014-03-06
Amazing difference in trigger pull weight and smoothness. Didn't measure with a trigger scale, but a very noticeable change. Watch their video, use the right tools, and it is very easy to swap out. Take the time to polish the rebound slide back and bottom while its out, as well. Compared my gun with springs to an identical 637 without and the difference is amazing. Student in my CCW class could not easily nor accurately pull double action with her 637 but she was able to fire mine very accurately and quickly. She asked about the difference right away and for someone not experienced in firearms to comment speaks volumes. Excellent investment for the money!
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Excellent Kit for the money 2012-07-04
Have installed many of these kits on customer revolvers. I have not had anyone yet that wasn't estatic over the improvement. Very smooth action afterwards. I have had to lightly polish a couple of the firing pins but other than that.... perfect installations.
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Easy installation w/ great results 2012-01-22
I purchased this kit for a new S&W 60 based on reviews from other users. Following the company's instructional videos on YouTube, I was able to easily do the installation by myself and avoided mistakes that I would have otherwise made. I'm very pleased with the lighter pull and highly recommend the product to all. It was well worth the money!
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Excellent Upgrade 2011-12-07
Have installed a half dozen or so of these to date. About to order 3 more. Customers are astounded at the difference it makes. Easy install and huge improvement.
Apex Tactical J-Frame Spring Kit 2011-12-02
I purchased this as a hopeful fix for my wife's Airweight J-Frame. She was complaining that the factory trigger was too heavy and hurt her finger when she shot. Had to dress the end of one of the springs as it did not have the flat pressed end - was just clipped off, but this was easily fixed in 15 seconds with a torch and pliers. There was a significant and improved difference in trigger weight, and cycling the action is much faster on repetitive shots. I would like to see a lighter version, possibly 5-7 pound kit, as this firearm does not have a safety device that is spring reliant. In all, great kit. I just ordered another two: one for mine, and one for a friend that is becoming envious...
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Does make it smoother 2011-10-27
Installed it on my new wife's S&W 642CT, no much lighter but did make it smoother. Do watch the video first and if you have one of the S&W trigger spring tools, makes life much easier. I have one and took maybe 20 mins for the total install. Have a S&W 637 with Wolf springs and plan to swap out for Apex J kit.
Rekommenderar med reservationer
Decent 2011-09-01
Installed easily into my well used 637. Reduced trigger pull a little bit but definitely not a night and day difference. Can't really go much lower though to insure reliable ignition of hard primers. The machined firing pin is a nice addition. Overall, you don't have to sacrifice much time or money to install this kit into your j-frame so it is worthwhile but I wouldn't call it a "must buy."
Minska avtryckarvikten på din J-frame revolver med vårt Duty/Carry Kit! 🛠️ Enkel installation utan modifiering. Bli mer precis idag!
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