Det enda sättet att noggrant mäta och testa längden på kammern i geväret. Avgörande när man kamrar ett nytt lopp för att säkerställa en tight, exakt och säker kammare. När du köper ett begagnat vapen, kontrollera alltid huvudutrymmet innan du skjuter. Mätarna är graverade med “Go” eller “No-Go” och kaliber/mät namn för enkel identifiering. Både Forster och Clymer mätare är tillverkade enligt SAAMI-specifikationer.
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. 8 st. i centrallagret.
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. 8 st. i centrallagret.
Absolutely Essential For Accurate, Safe, Chamber Work
The only way to accurately measure and test the length of the chamber of the rifle. Essential when chambering a new barrel to ensure a tight, accurate, safe chamber. Whenever you buy a used gun, always check the headspace before firing. Gauges are etched with “Go” or “No-Go” and caliber/gauge name for easy identification. Both Forster and Clymer gauges are made to SAAMI specs.
SPECS: Machined Steel. Size varies with caliber and gauge style. NOTE: Gauges Interchangeable between calibers have same Stock #. .30/30 Cartridges are .219 Wasp, .219 Zipper, .22 Sav HP, .30-30, .32 Win Spl, .32-40, .375 Win and .38-55. .30/06 Cartridges are .25-06, 6.5mm-06, .270 Win, .30-06, 8mm-06, .338-06 and .35 Whelen. Magnum Cartridges are .257 Weatherby, .264 Win, 6.5 Rem Mag, .270 Weatherby, .275 H&H, 7mm Rem Mag, 7mm Weatherby, 7x61 S&H, .300 H&H, .300 Win Mag, .30-338, .300 Weatherby, .308 Norma, 8mm Mag, .338 Win, .340 Weatherby, .350 Rem Mag, .357 Norma, .375 H&H, .416 Rem Mag and .458 Win.
Absolut nödvändigt för noggrant och säkert kammarbete
Det enda sättet att noggrant mäta och testa längden på kammern i geväret. Avgörande när man kamrar ett nytt lopp för att säkerställa en tight, exakt och säker kammare. När du köper ett begagnat vapen, kontrollera alltid huvudutrymmet innan du skjuter. Mätarna är graverade med “Go” eller “No-Go” och kaliber/mät namn för enkel identifiering. Både Forster och Clymer mätare är tillverkade enligt SAAMI-specifikationer.
SPECS: Bearbetad stål. Storlek varierar med kaliber och mätstil. OBS: Mätare som är utbytbara mellan kaliber har samma lager #. .30/30 patroner är .219 Wasp, .219 Zipper, .22 Sav HP, .30-30, .32 Win Spl, .32-40, .375 Win och .38-55. .30/06 patroner är .25-06, 6.5mm-06, .270 Win, .30-06, 8mm-06, .338-06 och .35 Whelen. Magnum patroner är .257 Weatherby, .264 Win, 6.5 Rem Mag, .270 Weatherby, .275 H&H, 7mm Rem Mag, 7mm Weatherby, 7x61 S&H, .300 H&H, .300 Win Mag, .30-338, .300 Weatherby, .308 Norma, 8mm Mag, .338 Win, .340 Weatherby, .350 Rem Mag, .357 Norma, .375 H&H, .416 Rem Mag och .458 Win.
Top takeaways
HEADSPACE GAUGES används för att exakt mäta och testa längden på gevärskammaren, kritiskt för säkerhet och precision.
Verktygen är märkta med "Go" eller "No-Go" och kaliber/mätverktygsnamn för enkel identifiering, tillverkade enligt SAAMI-specifikationer.
Bearbetat stål med storlek som varierar beroende på kaliber och mätverktygsstil, utbytbara mellan vissa kalibrar.
Patron:7 mm Mauser (7 x 57 mm Mauser),257 Roberts
Stil:Go Gauge
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
Kundbetyg (6)
3,5 / 5
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No Problems 2017-03-30
works as advertized.
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Safety First 2017-03-09
I purchase this Gauge after trying to locate a gunsmith near where I lived and worked to check the head space on my AR build. It was cheaper than a 2-3 hour drive and it work as it was designed.
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Great tool for checking headspace 2016-03-07
I am new into building AR-15's. They are very easy to build and are like adult Lego's for me. It was suggested that I have an extra bolt carrier as a spare if you shoot a lot. So I assembled my bolt carrier with the Adam Arms Piston Bolt carrier and I used the BCM Bolt. To be safe and be certain there would be no bolt/bolt carrier failure, I wanted to make sure my head space was correct. I bought the Brownells Bolt Extractor tool (read review) and used the Go/No-Go units. They worked flawlessly. It took less than 30 seconds for each procedure. I know I can use the spare with no issues and not have to worry about head space. This is a must tool for peace of mind!
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Hard to read identification on tool 2016-03-06
Identification should be engraved on tool. Ink is too light. I bought a go gauge and a no-go gauge. The ink on both tools is hard to read. Neither came with any instructions
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Gauge Identification 2016-03-03
Gauge identification is not the best. Barely readable. Clymer should engrave the identification what the tool is into the body or head. These are my first and only set of headspace gauges. So I will know that they are 5.56. But to make sure not to confuse them. I will get some red and green paint and paint the ring in front of the head. Green for go gauge, Red for no-go gauge. I did not mic them yet. The identification ink is the only problem I've seen.
Good product, no extractor cutout. 2010-07-09
I have to give it a good review because it's my fault. The extractor on my mosin nagant 91/30 absolutely won't budge. The go works fine but the no go obviously won't seat correctly without the removal of the extractor. Both (go and no go) look like fine tools but I can't rate them so much as I can say you DON'T have to remove the firing pin you DO have to remove the extractor so make sure you can do that before ordering them.