- Modell: Universal Handguns
- Vapentyp: Glock
- Leveransvikt: 0,023kg
- UPC: 613485586718
Produktnr: 638000188 GLOCK-TL
613485586718 Installerar och tar bort HIVIZ frontsikten för Glock-pistoler. Den stora, sexkantiga greppyta ger dig ett säkert grepp och gott om hävstång. Passar också Walther P99, Smith & Wesson SW99 och andra pistoler med sikt som använder 3⁄16" sexkantsskruvar.Ej tillgänglig.
Ej tillgänglig.
Soft Aluminum is easy to strip 2018-08-09
Now I knew when buying, that the reviews said the aluminum would get stripped but I figured that I only had a couple to do, so I wouldn't need it for much. It did work for about 4 different sight changes, so it did what I planned on. However, you know how that is, of coarse I need it for more Glocks over time. I see Brownells now makes and offers a low price steel sight tool, I think I'll order that one next. It should be obvious to everyone that if you want the right tool that will last and work perfectly, the Glock brand front sight tool is by far the best, but will cost you 3x more. Most people, including me, wish they would have just bought that one to start with...
Strips after a few uses 2016-11-06
Great idea, wrong material. The design is awesome and allows for the use of a box end wrench to tighten/loosen the front sight; however, the aluminum is so soft, it can only be used a few times before it becomes useless. I wish they would make the same tool, but out of a more durable material.
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