- Gauge: .410 Bore,28 Gauge,20 Gauge,16 Gauge,12 Gauge
- Vapentyp: Universal Hagelgevär
- Leveransvikt: 0,181kg
- Leveranshöjd: 28mm
- Leveransbredd: 46mm
- Leveranslängd: 165mm
Produktnr: 344000001 T0251
Stegad, en-delad, messingmätare mäter choken för 12, 16, 20, 28 gauge och .410 hagelgevär. Lättlästa markeringar visar tydligt Cylinder, Improved Cylinder, Modified, Improved Modified eller Full choke för snabb och smärtfri mätning.Excellent tool 2016-12-12
Hard to find and works great. I inherited a Russian double barrel shotgun and needed this tool to check the fixed chokes in this 60 year old gun. Easy to use, highly recommended. Thanks!
Great toolbox addition. 2016-01-12
I work in a southern pawn shop, we deal with LOTS of shotguns and I always get the question of "What choke does it have?" and if I haven't already written it on the tag I can just use this tool to answer it confidently. The tool is engraved with markings, fill with a little marker and you've got even quicker measurements. 410 bore-12ga. I got two of them and use them constantly. Anybody that deal with shotguns on a regular basis needs one in my opinion.
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