- Vapentyp: AR-15
- Leveransvikt: 0,014kg
- Leveranshöjd: 5mm
- Leveransbredd: 94mm
- Leveranslängd: 175mm
Produktnr: 969000244 34910
Innehåller en reducerad kraft triggerfjäder och en disconnector-fjäder. Utformad för att lätta och förbättra avtryckarfunktionen. För användning i AR15, M16, M4 och varianter.Good bang for the buck 2017-07-02
Have used these on a few lowers. I start out with a Critical Capabilities LPK with ELG trigger. Pull weight is reduced and with some polishing on the trigger and hammer engagement surfaces I was able to get a very nice smooth pull between 4.5 and 6 lbs, (avg 5.25 lbs) with no loss of reliability on hard primers.,
Save the money 2017-05-06
I have used a lot of Wolff springs, but always in cowboy shooting guns. Some made a lot of difference, some a little, while others could be made equally well with original parts and some tuning.
This is one case to just save your money, as little as they cost to begin with. Actually, save yourself the aggravation of R&R the hammer spring just to get to this.
I took seven readings before doing a thing. They varied from7.5 to 6.75 lbs of pull; mostly 7.5. After going through the whole mess, then lubing everything again, I got the same readings. Mostly 7.5 lbs. What a disappointment!!
The worst part of it all is that this was replacing a spring out of a DPMS lower parts kit, so pretty bottom of the barrel to begin with.
OTOH, the included disconnector spring seems to tighter. It is definitely a little shorter though; not by much.
Vi stötte på ett fel när vi laddade innehållet. Vänligen uppdatera sidan för att fortsätta. Om problemet kvarstår, kontakta vår kundtjänst.