Upptäck BADGER ORDNANCE GEN II TACTICAL LATCH för AR-15/M16. Perfekt för snabb användning och enkel installation! 🔧
Top takeaways
Mellanstort spärr som gör laddningshandtaget lättare att hitta för snabb användning med vänster hand.
Fungerar på alla AR-15/M16-typer av gevär inklusive AR-10 och SR-25.
Enkel installation utan behov av bössmed; tillverkad av stål med matt blå finish.
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
Make: AR-15
439SEK439 kr
Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt
Produktnr: 093000024
Tillv.nr.: 24920
Medelstor lås för dem som vill ha en storlek mellan standard och överdimensionerad. Gör det enklare att hitta laddhandtaget för snabb operation med vänster hand utan att sticka ut för mycket. Fungerar på alla AR-15/M16-typ gevär inklusive AR-10 och SR-25. Enkel installation utan behov av gunsmithing.
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. 4 st. i centrallagret.
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. 4 st. i centrallagret.
Mid-sized latch for those who want a size between standard and oversized. Makes the charging handle easier to find for brisk operation with the left hand without protruding too far. Works on all AR-15/M16-type rifles including the AR-10 and SR-25. Easy, no-gunsmithing installation.
Enhandshantering av laddhandtaget
Medelstor lås för dem som vill ha en storlek mellan standard och överdimensionerad. Gör det enklare att hitta laddhandtaget för snabb operation med vänster hand utan att sticka ut för mycket. Fungerar på alla AR-15/M16-typ gevär inklusive AR-10 och SR-25. Enkel installation utan behov av gunsmithing.
Top takeaways
Mellanstort spärr som gör laddningshandtaget lättare att hitta för snabb användning med vänster hand.
Fungerar på alla AR-15/M16-typer av gevär inklusive AR-10 och SR-25.
Enkel installation utan behov av bössmed; tillverkad av stål med matt blå finish.
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
Kundbetyg (11)
4,5 / 5
Low profile - too small? 2016-02-02
I prefer the Gen 1 latch. The Gen 2 is a little too small for me. It is good if you need to clear a scope or might be worried about the larger gen1 catching on something. But for me I no longer have to worry about targets shooting back so the larger latch is much easier to use.
Rekommenderar varmt
Good little upgrade 2014-03-01
Not crazy big but just the right size in my opinion. Appealing to the eye and functional . I agree that the product picture does not do it justice. If you don't want to buy a whole new handle and just need a latch this shouldn't disappoint .
Rekommenderar varmt
Great addition for a great price 2012-03-16
This item is amazing for an AR15/M4 with a scope. Initially, I had a hard time with the installation because of the spring. I used a sewing needle to line up the latch with the holes in the charging handle. The pin is hollow so this made the installation very easy.
Just the Right Amount 2011-11-23
It doesn't protrude as much as the big paddle style latches so it doesn't get in the way. You don't have to worry about what side you laying your rifle on. My only complaint if I had one would be that it needs bit more surface area on the face. Seems a bit thin. Not a big deal for the casual shooter or if you are wearing gloves.
Almost perfect 2011-08-09
Much better, IMHO, than the huge over-sized latches that get hung up on your gear and unlock. The photo on the product page doesn't do it justice. The only thing I might change is to make the pad a little bit taller.
Small parts can make a big difference 2010-11-20
Good fit and function. The latch has just the right amount of area to work with the weak and strong hands without any slipping.
Good product 2010-08-11
This one is just the right size, doesn't protrude out too far, and still is way better.
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A must have 2010-03-15
I thought I would want the EXTRA large latch, But after installing this one I am very pleased. It adds just enough meat to make it easy to quickly charge the rifle. It really is plenty big enough for the job. Installation was just a little more difficult than typical "bolt-on" but with the right size punches its not a real problem.
Rekommenderar varmt
Won't disappoint 2010-02-05
This is the second Gen II latch I've purchased. It offers a much improved 'grip' than stock models, without excess baggage. I bought an extra for the next build.
Rekommenderar varmt
This is the BEST latch you can get ! 2010-01-16
Just know that this is the 100% best latch you can get for your ar-15 system. Pretty much everything else was either too narrow or too small or too sharp and cut my fingers. This latch is JUST RIGHT. Get it for every gun you own.
Rekommenderar varmt
A riflescope mounted AR's companion 2009-09-14
The GEN II Latch makes charging my scope mounted BUSHMASTER a breeze. Another must have addition to an AR.
Upptäck BADGER ORDNANCE GEN II TACTICAL LATCH för AR-15/M16. Perfekt för snabb användning och enkel installation! 🔧
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Förstorad latch för snabb åtkomst från alla skyttepositioner, särskilt användbar för vänsterhänta.
Perfekt för tävlingsskyttar i three gun och godkänd för NRA High Power, Match Rifle-skyttar.
Enkel installation på alla AR-15/M16-typer av gevär, inklusive AR-10 och SR-25, utan behov av vapensmed.