Aluminum triggerguard replaces factory guard and gives full access to the trigger, even when you’re wearing gloves. Ends the complication of having to drop the triggerguard in cold weather environments in order to get to the trigger. Trigger guard gives you an oversized opening and is held in place with standard roll pins and set screws. Eliminates need for gap plug and works with most grips.
SPECS: Aluminum, matte black. Fits AR-15/M16 rifles. Includes roll pin and set screw.
Bevarar Åtkomst till Avtryckaren, Även Med Handskar
Aluminiumavtryckarskydd ersätter fabriksskyddet och ger full åtkomst till avtryckaren, även när du bär handskar. Eliminerar komplikationen med att behöva fälla ner avtryckarskyddet i kalla vädermiljöer för att komma åt avtryckaren. Avtryckarskyddet ger dig en förstorad öppning och hålls på plats med standard splintar och ställskruvar. Eliminerar behovet av gapplugg och fungerar med de flesta grepp.
SPECS: Aluminium, mattsvart. Passar AR-15/M16 gevär. Inkluderar splint och ställskruv.
Antal betyg: 32
Från 32
Medelbetyg: 4,3
Great fit, good looking(2009-06-23)
I have this trigger guard on all my rifles. It has a great look, and fits very well. It covers the little gap so your middle finger doesn't get indenture marks from holding the grip high. Enough room to wear gloves and use the trigger without feeling cramp. My BAD works good with it too.
Works as advertised, looks great!(2009-08-04)
Not much to say about the Enhanced Trigger Guard. It's aesthetically pleasing, makes the weapon more comfortable by filling in the gap between a standard grip and the "ears" of the lower receiver, installation is a breeze. This is a must have for every AR15 I own.
Great trigger guard(2009-08-06)
The trigger guard is great, It is a huge step above the one that comes standard in lower parts kits. All aluminum and much more confortable to hold.
However the prices have been on these for dealers. Which is a bummer.
Installation was quick and painless, and it looks very nice!
It appears a lot tougher than the original guard, and it is also much more comfortable being wider and much smoother -- no sharp edges or casting seams to be found anywhere. It's a very well-finished, quality part.
In the right light, I can see the finish isn't -exactly- the same as my M&P-15 (a little more purple) but it is still very close, if you're into the whole making sure all of your AR parts match in color.
Overall, I would have to say this is the best trigger guard on the market and a must for any quality AR-15.
Excellent upgrade(2009-09-10)
Excellent fit and finish with no more sharp edges to contend with. I have them on all my ARs. Roll pin removal (of old trigger guard) and installation of the new one is the most difficult part. Quickest way to install - use a bench vice. Just oil up the pin, place the trigger guard in place and begin by tapping in the roll pin. Once it takes hold on one side - line up "ears" of the lower in the bench vice - and slowly crank the bench vice jaws down until the pressure pushes the pin straight through the trigger guard, and into the opposite ear. One point to note - if you use the TANGODOWN BG-16 pistol grip you will need to remove some of the forward lip material on the grip itself, which covers the trigger guard "gap." Easy enough to do, and will look perfectly fine when modified.
Poor Fittment, cheap qaulity.(2009-09-12)
This Enhanced Triggergaurd did not fit my Bushmaster M4 A3 well with misalignment at the set screw end . The finish color is off and there are no manufacturing markings like the picture shows,so it looks genaric.....
Goes along nice with MAGPUL Grip(2009-09-21)
This works wonderful with the MAGPUL grip. No more buying gapper for standard trigger guard.
Adds just enough room for gloves and it covers up that gap between the pistol grip and the trigger guard. It was kind of a pain to install though.
Hands down the best trigger guard ever.
"Drop in" isn't as drop in as it sounds(2009-10-27)
This item is not drop in as it may seem. The mil-spec parts are super easy to remove, but the replacements from Magpul are not as forgiving. Best bet is to let the gunsmith take care of it. The replacement roll pin is very difficult to drift in. I needed to pound it into place. Not really sure it does more than just look really tactical.
Perfect fit to S&W lower, filled the gap at the pistol grip, easy install. Great product
Great Product(2010-02-27)
This is a great product. I have one on all three of my rifles. Every easy to install...
Needs fitting on DPMS(2010-03-01)
It is not drop in on my DPMS
Enhanced Trigger Guard(2010-03-12)
Fit like a glove, no fitting required, and adds just enough room for gloves, without dropping far enough to interfier with other mods. Finish was a little lighter than the gun finish, but they can't match every gun out there. Def. a recomended product.
The Best Aftermarket Trigger Guard Out(2010-03-14)
Magpul has a real win on their hands with this trigger guard. The enhanced trigger guard has several things going for it. First, it is robustly built out of aluminum with a nice phosphate coating that matches most lowers. Second, its curvature offers much more space in the trigger area for bigger fingers or gloves. Third, and what I consider most important, is that it covers the gap between the standard trigger and the grip. You know that gap, the one that cuts into your index finger, causing blisters after short periods of shooting. Finally, it is very quick and easy to install.
Magpul does make a similar trigger guard made from plastic that is about half the cost, but truthfully, the solid aluminum construction is absolutely worth it. Grab this item, you will not be disappointed.
Exactly What I Was Looking For(2010-04-12)
I bought the enhanced trigger guard in order to prevent the occasional trigger pinch to my finger that occurs with a standard trigger guard. After going to the range, I am very pleased with this upgrade.
As others have noted, the roll pin is not that easy to install. I had to work at it for a while and the whole time I was holding my breath that I didn't damage the lower receiver mounts (next time I will use an AR bench block rather than a makeshift block). Thankfully, I got it installed and have no plans to remove it.
Does not fully cover the gap on my Colt(2010-06-12)
I bought this trigger guard for one reason only: to fill the gap that exists with the standard trigger guard. I did not buy it because I needed extra space in the trigger guard. I chose not to buy a simple rubber plug to fill this gap but to go for this, what I though to be, very hight quality product. Well, it is nicely made and so, but it just does not completely prevent the edges from the trigger guard base to protrude and still hurt my finger. It is better than the standard trigger guard, but if it had had a milimeter of extra thickness it would have worked well. Now it has not solved my problem on my Colt AR-15 Sporter A2 HB. I'm really disappointed.
I love MAGPUL, but this trigger guard was such hassle to install. I had to file down the edges to get it to it my POF lower. Something that I feel I shouldn't have to do when I'm spending [$] for a little piece of metal. Next time I'll try the MOE trigger guard that is much cheaper than this.
MAGPUL Enhanced M16 Trigger Guard(2010-10-26)
Just installed it on my Colt 6921 M4LE and it fits great! It was easy to install. NO MODIFICATION NEEDED. It took me no more that 2mins to install. No problems!!
Go Ahead... you know you want to...(2011-01-22)
I'm not at all the sort of person who drinks the Kool Aid just for the looks of it... except with this one. Yes, I suppose the opening is larger for gloves, but I got this for no other reason than it fits the lines of an AR perfectly, and almost makes it a good looking gun. It's built like a rock, so durability isn't an issue. Be warned that you can forget about unhinging it for gloves in the wintertime if that's something your accustomed to with the standard trigger guard. Also, if you're building your lower from scratch, just buy this right away and install it, as knocking that old pin out sometimes isn't as easy as it should be-- best to install one guard one time. Also, MagPul has since come out with a less expensive "plastic" version that I'd consider going with now, both for price and weight savings, although it is nice to know that this thing won't ever break.
Highly Recommend It!(2011-04-09)
I have Placed this part on three AR Rifles (1 Armalite & 2 Bushmaster) with no problem. Not only is it highly functional but it looks good too!
Nice lines, great product(2011-04-19)
I don't know how much more room it provides, but it gives a little more room and looks great installed. Fairly easy to install and the aluminum doesn't add any felt weight and I'm not crazy about too much plastic. Great product.
Easy install, fit my RR with no issues. Looks great.
Great for big hands(2012-02-05)
This is the easiest and one of the most beneficial changes I have made to my AR (a DPMS). A couple taps on a roll pin punch and a few turns on an allen key. Other reviews address fit issue but for a DPMS lower the fit is as good as can be, to fit any better the trigger guard would have to be part of the lower.
Looks awesome(2012-06-24)
gives a custom look to my AR
Should be a Standard Item(2013-05-06)
It adds the perfect amount of extra room for gloves. It looks good and is durable. What more could you ask for?
Should be standard on all AR's(2013-11-18)
Not overly large or goofy-looking like some others; the Magpul design looks right and is perfectly functional. Big enough to get your finger in no matter what glove you wear. Have installed a few of these and never had an issue with fitment. Magpul makes another model much less expensive, but its made of plastic... I much prefer this alloy version.
Great addition for any AR style(2014-08-18)
Love this trigger guard, and require it on all my builds. Easy to install (with proper care taken to drift in roll pin) and very sturdy once in place.
Perfect fit on my lowers (Mega Arms).
Best part about it, there is no giant Magpul logo etched into the bottom like the polymer version.
Not so happy...(2014-11-18)
So, I love Magpul. And I really like this trigger guard, but oh my heck was it a pain to install! They require the worlds smallest fallen wrench. But the worst part of all is, THE POLY VERSION IS NOT TAPPED! YOU HAVE TO TAP IT! Magpul expects you to use the given screw as a tapping screw...well, that only strips the, unless you have a tapping kit, be aware. Also, I had to scrape away all the loctite with a wire brush. I finally got it installed and love it. If you do buy this, consider buying a advanced screw kit for it. I am only giving it 3 stars cause I love Magpul.
Another Nice Magpul Product(2014-12-21)
I have installed this product (enhanced, i.e. metal version) on 3 different AR lowers, Bushmaster, Spikes Tactical, and a Palmetto State Armory. Never had any issues, finish is quality work, and nicely replaces the unsightly flat plastic trigger guard. Highly recommend this product and will use this product on future builds.
Just what i needed!(2016-09-04)
This was just the ticket to solving an issue for my AR15. Got a mil spec trigger guard that was out of spec and wouldn't allow my mags to drop free. Installed this and it was all fixed, very pleasing trigger guard.
Good product. Works as advertised.(2017-08-05)
I have two of these on two different mil-spec lowers. Good fit, looks nice and fills the gap on back of trigger guard. If you have a grip that also fills that gap you'll have to trim it a little. Of course it helps to have the right tools. A roll pin punch really helps and a roll pin starter punch is nice but not mandatory. You'll need a 1/16" Allen wrench but any decent set should have that size. Gives you a little more finger room if you are wearing heavy gloves.
Produktnr: 100002198 MAGPUL ENHANCED TRIGGERGUARD FOR AR-15/M16 BLACK Tillverkarens produktnummer: MAG015-BLK873750000152 Aluminiumavtryckarskydd ersätter fabriksskyddet och ger full åtkomst till avtryckaren, även när du bär handskar. Eliminerar komplikationen med att behöva fälla ner avtryckarskyddet i kalla vädermiljöer för att komma åt avtryckaren. Avtryckarskyddet ger dig en förstorad öppning och hålls på plats med standard splintar och ställskruvar. Eliminerar behovet av gapplugg och fungerar med de flesta grepp.
399SEK67399,00 kr
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. Mer än 10 st. i centrallagret.
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Brownells Sverige AB
Box 99
793 22 Leksand
Uppgradera din AR-15/M16 med MAGPUL:s Enhanced Triggerguard. 🛡️ Full åtkomst och säkerhet, även med handskar. Perfekt för kalla väder!
Aluminum triggerguard replaces factory guard and gives full access to the trigger, even when you’re wearing gloves. Ends the complication of having to drop the triggerguard in cold weather environments in order to get to the trigger. Trigger guard gives you an oversized opening and is held in place with standard roll pins and set screws. Eliminates need for gap plug and works with most grips.
SPECS: Aluminum, matte black. Fits AR-15/M16 rifles. Includes roll pin and set screw.
Bevarar Åtkomst till Avtryckaren, Även Med Handskar
Aluminiumavtryckarskydd ersätter fabriksskyddet och ger full åtkomst till avtryckaren, även när du bär handskar. Eliminerar komplikationen med att behöva fälla ner avtryckarskyddet i kalla vädermiljöer för att komma åt avtryckaren. Avtryckarskyddet ger dig en förstorad öppning och hålls på plats med standard splintar och ställskruvar. Eliminerar behovet av gapplugg och fungerar med de flesta grepp.
SPECS: Aluminium, mattsvart. Passar AR-15/M16 gevär. Inkluderar splint och ställskruv.
Antal betyg: 32
Från 32
Medelbetyg: 4,3
Great fit, good looking(2009-06-23)
I have this trigger guard on all my rifles. It has a great look, and fits very well. It covers the little gap so your middle finger doesn't get indenture marks from holding the grip high. Enough room to wear gloves and use the trigger without feeling cramp. My BAD works good with it too.
Works as advertised, looks great!(2009-08-04)
Not much to say about the Enhanced Trigger Guard. It's aesthetically pleasing, makes the weapon more comfortable by filling in the gap between a standard grip and the "ears" of the lower receiver, installation is a breeze. This is a must have for every AR15 I own.
Great trigger guard(2009-08-06)
The trigger guard is great, It is a huge step above the one that comes standard in lower parts kits. All aluminum and much more confortable to hold.
However the prices have been on these for dealers. Which is a bummer.
Installation was quick and painless, and it looks very nice!
It appears a lot tougher than the original guard, and it is also much more comfortable being wider and much smoother -- no sharp edges or casting seams to be found anywhere. It's a very well-finished, quality part.
In the right light, I can see the finish isn't -exactly- the same as my M&P-15 (a little more purple) but it is still very close, if you're into the whole making sure all of your AR parts match in color.
Overall, I would have to say this is the best trigger guard on the market and a must for any quality AR-15.
Excellent upgrade(2009-09-10)
Excellent fit and finish with no more sharp edges to contend with. I have them on all my ARs. Roll pin removal (of old trigger guard) and installation of the new one is the most difficult part. Quickest way to install - use a bench vice. Just oil up the pin, place the trigger guard in place and begin by tapping in the roll pin. Once it takes hold on one side - line up "ears" of the lower in the bench vice - and slowly crank the bench vice jaws down until the pressure pushes the pin straight through the trigger guard, and into the opposite ear. One point to note - if you use the TANGODOWN BG-16 pistol grip you will need to remove some of the forward lip material on the grip itself, which covers the trigger guard "gap." Easy enough to do, and will look perfectly fine when modified.
Poor Fittment, cheap qaulity.(2009-09-12)
This Enhanced Triggergaurd did not fit my Bushmaster M4 A3 well with misalignment at the set screw end . The finish color is off and there are no manufacturing markings like the picture shows,so it looks genaric.....
Goes along nice with MAGPUL Grip(2009-09-21)
This works wonderful with the MAGPUL grip. No more buying gapper for standard trigger guard.
Adds just enough room for gloves and it covers up that gap between the pistol grip and the trigger guard. It was kind of a pain to install though.
Hands down the best trigger guard ever.
"Drop in" isn't as drop in as it sounds(2009-10-27)
This item is not drop in as it may seem. The mil-spec parts are super easy to remove, but the replacements from Magpul are not as forgiving. Best bet is to let the gunsmith take care of it. The replacement roll pin is very difficult to drift in. I needed to pound it into place. Not really sure it does more than just look really tactical.
Perfect fit to S&W lower, filled the gap at the pistol grip, easy install. Great product
Great Product(2010-02-27)
This is a great product. I have one on all three of my rifles. Every easy to install...
Needs fitting on DPMS(2010-03-01)
It is not drop in on my DPMS
Enhanced Trigger Guard(2010-03-12)
Fit like a glove, no fitting required, and adds just enough room for gloves, without dropping far enough to interfier with other mods. Finish was a little lighter than the gun finish, but they can't match every gun out there. Def. a recomended product.
The Best Aftermarket Trigger Guard Out(2010-03-14)
Magpul has a real win on their hands with this trigger guard. The enhanced trigger guard has several things going for it. First, it is robustly built out of aluminum with a nice phosphate coating that matches most lowers. Second, its curvature offers much more space in the trigger area for bigger fingers or gloves. Third, and what I consider most important, is that it covers the gap between the standard trigger and the grip. You know that gap, the one that cuts into your index finger, causing blisters after short periods of shooting. Finally, it is very quick and easy to install.
Magpul does make a similar trigger guard made from plastic that is about half the cost, but truthfully, the solid aluminum construction is absolutely worth it. Grab this item, you will not be disappointed.
Exactly What I Was Looking For(2010-04-12)
I bought the enhanced trigger guard in order to prevent the occasional trigger pinch to my finger that occurs with a standard trigger guard. After going to the range, I am very pleased with this upgrade.
As others have noted, the roll pin is not that easy to install. I had to work at it for a while and the whole time I was holding my breath that I didn't damage the lower receiver mounts (next time I will use an AR bench block rather than a makeshift block). Thankfully, I got it installed and have no plans to remove it.
Does not fully cover the gap on my Colt(2010-06-12)
I bought this trigger guard for one reason only: to fill the gap that exists with the standard trigger guard. I did not buy it because I needed extra space in the trigger guard. I chose not to buy a simple rubber plug to fill this gap but to go for this, what I though to be, very hight quality product. Well, it is nicely made and so, but it just does not completely prevent the edges from the trigger guard base to protrude and still hurt my finger. It is better than the standard trigger guard, but if it had had a milimeter of extra thickness it would have worked well. Now it has not solved my problem on my Colt AR-15 Sporter A2 HB. I'm really disappointed.
I love MAGPUL, but this trigger guard was such hassle to install. I had to file down the edges to get it to it my POF lower. Something that I feel I shouldn't have to do when I'm spending [$] for a little piece of metal. Next time I'll try the MOE trigger guard that is much cheaper than this.
MAGPUL Enhanced M16 Trigger Guard(2010-10-26)
Just installed it on my Colt 6921 M4LE and it fits great! It was easy to install. NO MODIFICATION NEEDED. It took me no more that 2mins to install. No problems!!
Go Ahead... you know you want to...(2011-01-22)
I'm not at all the sort of person who drinks the Kool Aid just for the looks of it... except with this one. Yes, I suppose the opening is larger for gloves, but I got this for no other reason than it fits the lines of an AR perfectly, and almost makes it a good looking gun. It's built like a rock, so durability isn't an issue. Be warned that you can forget about unhinging it for gloves in the wintertime if that's something your accustomed to with the standard trigger guard. Also, if you're building your lower from scratch, just buy this right away and install it, as knocking that old pin out sometimes isn't as easy as it should be-- best to install one guard one time. Also, MagPul has since come out with a less expensive "plastic" version that I'd consider going with now, both for price and weight savings, although it is nice to know that this thing won't ever break.
Highly Recommend It!(2011-04-09)
I have Placed this part on three AR Rifles (1 Armalite & 2 Bushmaster) with no problem. Not only is it highly functional but it looks good too!
Nice lines, great product(2011-04-19)
I don't know how much more room it provides, but it gives a little more room and looks great installed. Fairly easy to install and the aluminum doesn't add any felt weight and I'm not crazy about too much plastic. Great product.
Easy install, fit my RR with no issues. Looks great.
Great for big hands(2012-02-05)
This is the easiest and one of the most beneficial changes I have made to my AR (a DPMS). A couple taps on a roll pin punch and a few turns on an allen key. Other reviews address fit issue but for a DPMS lower the fit is as good as can be, to fit any better the trigger guard would have to be part of the lower.
Looks awesome(2012-06-24)
gives a custom look to my AR
Should be a Standard Item(2013-05-06)
It adds the perfect amount of extra room for gloves. It looks good and is durable. What more could you ask for?
Should be standard on all AR's(2013-11-18)
Not overly large or goofy-looking like some others; the Magpul design looks right and is perfectly functional. Big enough to get your finger in no matter what glove you wear. Have installed a few of these and never had an issue with fitment. Magpul makes another model much less expensive, but its made of plastic... I much prefer this alloy version.
Great addition for any AR style(2014-08-18)
Love this trigger guard, and require it on all my builds. Easy to install (with proper care taken to drift in roll pin) and very sturdy once in place.
Perfect fit on my lowers (Mega Arms).
Best part about it, there is no giant Magpul logo etched into the bottom like the polymer version.
Not so happy...(2014-11-18)
So, I love Magpul. And I really like this trigger guard, but oh my heck was it a pain to install! They require the worlds smallest fallen wrench. But the worst part of all is, THE POLY VERSION IS NOT TAPPED! YOU HAVE TO TAP IT! Magpul expects you to use the given screw as a tapping screw...well, that only strips the, unless you have a tapping kit, be aware. Also, I had to scrape away all the loctite with a wire brush. I finally got it installed and love it. If you do buy this, consider buying a advanced screw kit for it. I am only giving it 3 stars cause I love Magpul.
Another Nice Magpul Product(2014-12-21)
I have installed this product (enhanced, i.e. metal version) on 3 different AR lowers, Bushmaster, Spikes Tactical, and a Palmetto State Armory. Never had any issues, finish is quality work, and nicely replaces the unsightly flat plastic trigger guard. Highly recommend this product and will use this product on future builds.
Just what i needed!(2016-09-04)
This was just the ticket to solving an issue for my AR15. Got a mil spec trigger guard that was out of spec and wouldn't allow my mags to drop free. Installed this and it was all fixed, very pleasing trigger guard.
Good product. Works as advertised.(2017-08-05)
I have two of these on two different mil-spec lowers. Good fit, looks nice and fills the gap on back of trigger guard. If you have a grip that also fills that gap you'll have to trim it a little. Of course it helps to have the right tools. A roll pin punch really helps and a roll pin starter punch is nice but not mandatory. You'll need a 1/16" Allen wrench but any decent set should have that size. Gives you a little more finger room if you are wearing heavy gloves.