Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
Make: AR-15
449SEK449 kr
Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt
Produktnr: 100011243
Tillv.nr.: 011510057
811452029613 Stål bolt catch har en förstärkt nedre del som gör det enkelt att låsa bolten bakåt. Den förstärkta övre delen möjliggör snabb boltlossning, och “Diamond Texture” tumplatta ger positivt grepp och förbättrar gevärets utseende.
Steel bolt catch features an enlarged lower portion that makes it easy to lock bolt to the rear. Enlarged upper portion allows fast bolt release, and “Diamond Texture” thumb pad gives positive engagement and enhances rifle’s appearance.
Möjliggör Enkel Låsning & Snabb Boltlossning
Stål bolt catch har en förstärkt nedre del som gör det enkelt att låsa bolten bakåt. Den förstärkta övre delen möjliggör snabb boltlossning, och “Diamond Texture” tumplatta ger positivt grepp och förbättrar gevärets utseende.
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Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
Kundbetyg (10)
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Top 2019-12-15
Works perfect on a seekins lower
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Bent and locked up my 9mm carbine 2018-07-30
I've run a few of these before without issue, but on the FIRST time I ran my 9mm carbine to slide-lock it bent this piece and locked up my PCC HARD. I had to use a screwdriver and a hammer to bend it back enough to tap it down. I could then slide my bolt forward and begin to repair. I had been using a box-stock factory bolt catch without issue prior to this. Not an upgrade and too soft. The one I had on my HD rifle is now coming off as well and replaced with something hardened.
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No go 2016-12-22
Love the feel of this catch, couldn't care about looks. I wanted a larger paddle and In return the bolt won't lock up on the last round. Happened after two months. I don't feel you should have to remove the paddle to clean it inside of 10000 rounds. And I find it funny that the stock catch never wore down on my service rifle.
Best uses..."target practice" only because this will make you one. Save your money and go stock!
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Great upgrade 2016-03-17
After my first carbine class I went in search of a bolt catch that had an enlarged bottom portion for locking the bolt open.
I found the Seekins and gave it a try. It worked perfectly and was exactly what I was looking for. Since then I've installed them in three other lowers and have had no problems with fit or function.
I've installed them in lowers from BCM, Spikes Tactical, and PSA.
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Didn't work for me 2015-02-02
I've build around 11 ARs using Aero, Spikes, DPMS, Bushmaster and other lowers for myself and a few friends. I've always used the bolt catch from DPMS or CMMG lpk. On my last AR build (Aero lower) for myself I decided to put this item in for a more enhanced bolt catch. I wanted one bigger in both the catch and release areas.
Installation was like any bolt catch. It moved freely without the mag and it locked the bolt without the mag but when the mag came into play, it never locked itself. It seemed like it had problems moving, it felt tight with the mag in the mag well.
It looks good, good material, nice wide surface on both ends but not in spec.
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Out of Spec Hole Diameter 2014-11-23
I bought one of these about a year ago for the AR 15 that I was building and it worked perfectly. I decided to buy two more for my other AR's but they are both defective. The hole diameter is too small and they will not work freely. The hole diameter is the same size as the roll pin when it should be slightly larger. When I compared the hole sizes to the old bolt catch their is a very noticeable difference. I am guessing that they ran a whole batch of these with the wrong hole size and from the other review that I read Seekins Precision does not QA their parts! I think they need to remove the name "Precision" from their name since they say they make MIL SPEC parts when their parts aren't!
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Out of spec 2014-09-24
I have tried two of the Seekins enhanced bolt catch on different builds without success.
The first one would not lock the bolt open after firing the last round from several different magazines, and would not hold the bolt back even when manually locked back.
The second one I ordered would not fit into the receiver at all. It was a Seekins forged lower that I was building up. I measured both the lower and the bolt catch and the bolt catch was slightly oversized to the point that it would not fit.
I really like the design of the larger paddle, but they need to get their specs correct on this part.
Will NOT work in Mega Side-Charging Upr 2014-06-21
While this is a lovely bolt catch, it will NOT work in a Mega Arms Side-Charging Upper. There is not enough material milled out of the upper for this bolt catch to fit.
Used for a RRA Entry Tactical Duty Rifle. This simple upgrade makes it faster & easier to lock back and release the BCG. No Qualms Here Buy It! you wont regret it!
Big upgrade over the stock part 2014-05-20
I was drawn to this part because I found the bottom portion of a standard bolt catch to be inadequate when locking the bolt open. The enlarged and protruded bottom portion of this part solved that problem for me. It is machined well and of high quality. The only reason I did not give it 5 stars is because it is incompatible with the Magpul BAD lever or any equivalent device that attaches to a standard bolt release. This may or may not matter to you.
Upptäck SEEKINS PRECISION AR-15 bultfång med förbättrad design för snabb frigöring. 💪 Perfekt för alla standard AR-15s!
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This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Bearbetad aluminiumsmagasinutlösningsknapp med “Diamond Texture” yta för säker tumkontakt och enkla "one-hit" magasinsnedsläpp.
Passar i alla mil-spec nedre mottagare och ersätter fabrikens magasinutlösningsknapp.
Bearbetad från 6061 T6 aluminiumsbillett, hårdanodiserad, mattsvart.
Härdade stålpinnar som är .030" längre än standard för enklare nedmontering av AR-15/M16 gevär.
Precision CNC-bearbetat i härdat stål eller Grad 5 titan, med texturerade huvuden och spetsar för enkel hantering.
Perfekt för lättviktigt gevärbygge eller för att lägga till kontrast, med passform för små pin .250" AR-15/M16 mottagare.
Ersättningsbottenplattan ger snabbare och säkrare taktiska magasinbyten för både 20- och 30-runders PMAGs.
Tillverkad av förstärkt polymer med mjukt, halkfritt syntetgummi för extra hållbarhet och skydd.
Enkel drop-in installation och säljs i 3-pack, kompatibel med original och M2 PMAG, EJ GEN 3 556 PMAGS.
MOE-K2+ kombinerar förstärkt polymerkropp med bekvämt gummiöverdrag för maximal vapenkontroll under ogynnsamma förhållanden.
Den brantare vertikala greppvinkeln är optimerad för PDW-konfigurationer och förbättrar komfort och kontroll på korta LOP-gevär.
MOE K2+ accepterar valfria förvaringskärnor och inkluderar ett grundläggande lock.