Förbättra ditt grepp med AR-15 SPR Handgrip! 🖐️ Designad för komfort och kontroll, perfekt för AR-15, AR-10 och AR-25 gevär.
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.y.1
Färg: Svart
Make: AR-15
Material: Polymer
699SEK699 kr
Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt
Produktnr: 936001015
Tillv.nr.: SPR
Ompositionerar handen för ett bekvämt grepp och förbättrad placering av avtryckarfingret. Handfyllande design med tumstöd och handflatesväll ger ökad grepputhållighet. Matt yta ger ett bra, halkfritt grepp.
Order kan placeras
Restorder. Skickas när den finns i lager. Leveranstid ca 4-12 veckor från centrallagret.
Restorder. Skickas när den finns i lager. Leveranstid ca 4-12 veckor från centrallagret.
Repositions the hand for a comfortable grasp and improved trigger finger location. Hand filling design with thumbrest and palmswell provide enhanced gripping endurance. Matte surface gives good, non-slip purchase.
SPECS: Black, glass filled Polypropylene, matt finish. Fits AR-15, AR-10 and AR-25 rifles. Right-hand only.
Förbättrat Grepp & Komfort För Noggrann Skjutning
Ompositionerar handen för ett bekvämt grepp och förbättrad placering av avtryckarfingret. Handfyllande design med tumstöd och handflatesväll ger ökad grepputhållighet. Matt yta ger ett bra, halkfritt grepp.
SPECS: Svart, glasfylld Polypropylen, matt finish. Passar AR-15, AR-10 och AR-25 gevär. Endast för högerhand.
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.y.1
Kundbetyg (19)
4,3 / 5
Rekommenderar varmt
Great fit for custom builds/ large hands 2018-08-18
I used this for a recent Kidd 10/22 receiver/ PMACA Chassis build. The chassis accepts AR grips with no beaver tail, but has a very small gap between the chassis and the grip...this particular grip covers that gap and looks great! I do not have a decent spring on this forearm, so I did not experience the issue with the spring well being too deep.
I am 5â11â and 225 lbs and I wear XL to XXL gloves, so this grip fills my palm just right. The feel is natural and positions my hand in a comfortable position, with ease of access to the trigger. Some reviewers have mentioned not being able to reach the trigger as easy and I could see that, if my hands were smaller.
The finish is a matte black with some rough finished areas. I used 800 grit sandpaper and refiinished it myself. I smoothed out the rough areas, rounded sharper edges and gave it a more uniform look. Iâm happy with it now.
Itâs a little pricey, in comparison to other grips out there, but the unique need I had...it filled.
As most have stated 2018-02-13
The grip is great,however, as most here have experienced the hole for the safety detent spring is drilled too deep. This is an easy fix with the introduction of a peice of solid material to take up the extra space.
The Ergo grip plug that is commonly bought with it does not fit so be forewarned if you did not check it's comparability.
Nice grip, screw not include 2018-01-18
I recently purchased this to put on a new AR-10 build. While I am happy with the feel of it, I was not happy with the fact that the grip screw is not included. The site does not say it is, but does not say it isnât.
This is a good grip and places your finger st the right spot on the trigger.
Perfect for me once I fixed a few issues 2018-01-16
The grip itself is solid. There are a few quirks that I discovered though.
1. If you buy this grip, make sure that you have a closed-ear trigger guard on your AR-15, or else purchase the Magpul Enhanced trigger guard. If you use the standard AR-15 trigger guard bar, it will leave a gap which will rub uncomfortably on your middle finger when using this grip.
2. I have no idea if this is normal for this grip or not, but my grip came with the safety detent spring hole drilled a touch too deep.
This resulted in the safety detent spring not providing enough tension on the safety selector when this grip was installed. Rather than sending back the grip, which was otherwise good to go, I simply used a grinder to grind a small metal slug down to a few mm tall and shoved that down into the detent spring hole before installing the spring. This raised the spring a few mm and allowed it to provide proper tension on the safety selector.
Not a big deal, and only took a few minutes to do, but it was annoying that I had to do it at all.
All that being said, now that I have everything installed the way I like it, it's perfect for my hands. (I have VERY large hands).
I'm able to get a natural grip, and a repeatable position on the trigger with my shooting finger.
I'd recommend this grip for somebody like me, but be advised you may have to put a few minutes of time into getting everything set up "just so".
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How about a BIG HAND for this grip! 2016-09-07
When message boards pose the question "What AR grip is best for someone with big hands?," this is THE one to pick. It's not as well known as others, but I'm so happy that someone turned me on to this Sierra Precision grip. Every time I wrap my fingers around it, I'm surprised how good it feels. If for some reason SPR stops making it, I have two extras on hand.
Sorry, lefties... At present, it's for RIGHT HANDED PEOPLE, only.
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Spencerport 2016-03-01
I have XL hands and have tried several grips but this has been the best, along with a Rite Grip adapter (also from Brownells) to move my hand back. Now my finger pad can rest on the trigger properly.
I wish this had a rougher texture (it is pretty smooth) and a swell or pad at the base. Also the bottom is open which can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation. Still for the price it is a great value and sure works better than anything else on the market.
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My favorite AR15 grip 2016-02-23
I use this grip on my predator/hunting AR15 build. I love the way it fits and fills the hand. It has a shelf that pulls the trigger finger away from the frame slightly, and puts the pad of my finger on the trigger.
It is a relatively large/thick grip and may not work for you if you have small hands. It is also not ambidextrous.
Rekommenderar med reservationer
Not for everyone 2016-02-06
Let me start by saying, I love this grip! The 3 star rating is because of the lack of disclosures on the website. Here are some full disclosures:
-Right hand only, this will also not work with ambi safety's
-Big hands only and I would not recommend use with a flat trigger unless you hand are really big.
-This grip is designed for finger tip fire. If you use the middle of your trigger finger to fire, you will not get comfortable grip.
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Not for me 2014-08-16
I tried three different grips for large hands and this one was my least favorite. I think people will either love or hate it. It's similar in size to the other large grips I tried, but it feels larger because it is made of a hard, smooth plastic-like material. When you squeeze it, there is no give, so it feels larger and also more uncomfortable to me. Some people may like it that way, especially if they normally shoot with gloves. It's just not for me.
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Best there is... 2013-12-05
I've tried all the others....hogue, ergo, dpms, etc. This one is by far the most comfortable and puts your booger hook right where it needs to be on the bang switch. It does take some fitting; just deal with it because it's worth it. South paws are SOL, this is righty only, I used this on a DPMS SASS custom build and I love the feel. Highly recommend. Note: grip is coyote tan in picture I provided, but the actual part came black. Get it....
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My Favorite AR Grip! 2012-09-30
I tried one years ago, and haven't looked back. Way more comfortable than the standard grip. Much better trigger control. Durable. Just wish they offered them in other colors!
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The best non-combat grip...period. 2011-12-04
Hand filling, very comfortable, ergonomically positions the trigger finger. I've put these on every AR I own, a few on AR's I have built for others, and recommend them for anyone that asks.
They are not ambidextrous, so lefty's are out of luck.
Yes, they can be stubborn to mount. I use a file to open the gap slightly, with a fair bevel on the opening edge. A couple decent whacks with a rubber or leather mallet to start it on, and it slips the rest of the way easily.
If standard or gimmicky grips feel wrong for you, Sierra makes the grip you've been looking for :)
Rekommenderar med reservationer
Unconfortable for small hands 2011-05-20
I returned the item due to unconfortable fit. it is built for bigger hands. Installation was a little difficult because of the gap.
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Awesome grip for big hands 2010-12-11
I've been trying to find a grip that puts my finger in the proper position on the trigger for a while. The Ergo Grip, Magpul, Hogue, TangoDown, etc were all really narrow at the top, which placed the trigger about where the 2nd knuckle is on my trigger finger. This Sierra Precision grip is a lot wider at the top, and is THE most comfortable grip I've ever felt. Finally I can have a good grip on the gun AND have my trigger finger in the correct place.
Rekommenderar i viss mån
Feels good 2010-06-17
Although mine appears malformed on the right side as it appears to leave a slight gap and also it seems to bend the spring for the safety, this grip feels very good to shoot in long sessions. I don't see a need to exchange it. I like it a lot! It pairs up good with a CAA butt stock!
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Great Grip 2010-05-22
super grip for a AR-15
Can NOT use Ambi-Safety. 2010-02-10
I have large hands and it works great for me, AFTER I removed the ambi-safety. It was a bit tight sliding on but this thing feels great.
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Best AR grip ever. 2009-09-07
Best AR grip ever. (as long as you are right handed)
Rekommenderar varmt
Extremely comfortable and well made! 2009-07-19
I own about (25) AR-15s and this is the only grip I use. Everybody's hands and shooting techniques are different; this one works perfectly for me. Solid feel, ergonomically correct and well-manufactured.
Förbättra ditt grepp med AR-15 SPR Handgrip! 🖐️ Designad för komfort och kontroll, perfekt för AR-15, AR-10 och AR-25 gevär.
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Original militärdesign för M16 med 8-36 gänga och AR-15 med 8-32 gänga för standardstänger.
Bronsborst för kammaren och längre rostfritt stål strån för rengöring av låsningsspår.
Uppfyller Mil Spec: MIL-B-20100C och har olika längder för M16, AR-15 och AR-10.
MAGPUL PMAG GEN M3 är tillverkat av en hård polymer som ger ökad motståndskraft mot krossning och påverkan.
Magasinet har en livslång USGI-specifikation rostfritt stålfjäder och en fyrvägs anti-tilt följare för pålitlig matning.
Fullt kompatibel med flera plattformar inklusive AR-15/M4/M16, HK 416, MR556A1, M27 IAR, brittiska SA-80 och FN SCAR MK 16/16S.
Sinclair Deburring Tool Holder används med en borrmaskin eller kraftskruvdragare för effektiv avgradning av hylsmynningar.
Kompatibel med avgradningsverktyg från L.E. Wilson och nuvarande verktyg från Forster.
Paketet med Sinclair Deburring Tool Holder och L.E. Wilson Case Mouth Deburring Tool sparar 15 procent jämfört med att köpa dem separat.