The patent pending Strike Industries Ultimate Dust Cover enables users to attach and detach the cover in 5 to 10 seconds with ease! It is constructed of a high-density polymer making it more durable and functional than the traditional dust covers. The Ultimate Dust Cover features an adjustable detent set screw in order to compensate wear on the receiver and increase or decrease opening power (To adjust detent: use small flathead driver and depress the ball detent and adjust as necessary.)
Den patentansökta Strike Industries Ultimate Dust Cover gör det möjligt för anvÀndare att fÀsta och ta bort skyddet pÄ 5 till 10 sekunder med lÀtthet! Den Àr tillverkad av en högdensitetspolymer vilket gör den mer hÄllbar och funktionell Àn traditionella dammskydd. Ultimate Dust Cover har en justerbar detentinstÀllningsskruv för att kompensera för slitage pÄ mottagaren och öka eller minska öppningskraften (För att justera detent: anvÀnd en liten platt skruvmejsel och tryck ner kullagret och justera vid behov.)
Antal betyg: 7
FrÄn 7
Medelbetyg: 4,7
Very Nice (2014-11-21)
Ultimate might be an overstatement but it is a very nice piece.
Easy to install... just wind the spring with you finger and snap it on... no tools required.
Nice finish... does not have that oily metal look of mil-spec covers.
Black spring... hate shiny objects on my rifle
The big selling point for me however is the retention ball is adjustable... I have a brand new upper that seems was cut a little too much and after trying 3 other covers on it I put this on... at first it was still popping open if you just bumped the I took a small flathead and turned the set screw a 1/4 turn and BAM... works like a charm.
I don't have any indication on how it holds up to heat and abuse but I would recommend giving this a try on your next build.
Very nice! Wish I had that idea....(2015-03-16)
I tried this on a 3 gun rifle build I am currently doing. Needless to say, but install took about 30 seconds. Fit and function is perfect with an Aero upper. Looking at cerakoting a finish on it next, but it really isn't needed. I will be using these on any build I do from now on.
I would love to see more of the designs come out from Brownells, like the flag design and others. May have to try some of their other products too.
Less parts is More(2015-06-02)
Installed on a new 5.56 build. Great not having to keep track of several parts or assemble them. Pops right into place BUT you do have to think a second about the spring orientation as you place into position. There are no included instructions, but 10 seconds of thinking and it becomes obvious.
Works flawlessly. No maintenance needed. Does seal a bit better than a standard.
Fantastic Alternative(2016-03-16)
The Ultimate Dust Cover is a great little accessory for many ARs. Standard covers have quickly-worn finishes, shiny silver springs, and often iffy fits in the receiver, and the tiny washers holding them in place are known to pop off when firing, at least with heavier cartridges. By contrast, the UDC is made from a tough, matte black plastic, sports a black spring, and uses a pair of spring-loaded plungers for mounting, making installation easier and preventing lost pieces. The plastic body minimizes weight and is even molded with a lining that actually seals off the ejection port, minimizing oil evaporation and providing a positive "pop" when closing the cover. The issue that prevents a fifth star is that the primary spring should have been made a little stiffer, or rather, its opposing ends set farther apart. Though easier to install, the looser spring allows the cover to bounce when moving and firing, and at least one of its ends is always sticking out to the potential detriment of a passing bit of hand or shirt. (I tried giving it an extra twist for strength the first time around, which resulted in a snapped spring tip and an order for another UDC.) While not much of a problem, it is the sole element that makes me miss the snappier original. But all things considered, the Ultimate Dust Cover is definitely worthwhile.
Great Alternative(2016-07-22)
I've got these on several guns now and they will definitely go on future builds. They are high quality and easy to install. If you've finished your build and look back at your upper and think to yourself, "Oh dang I forgot the dust cover!" With the UDC you won't need to remove the barrel nut to install one.
Good product, but may require fitting(2017-01-04)
This product looks good, functions well, and is about half the weight of a standard milspec dust cover when compared on my scale. The only reason I gave this 4 stars is because mine would not swing open freely when installed on my Aero Precision forged upper. All it took was for me to shave off a bit of material around the two ends by the pin with a sharp knife, but it had to happen nonetheless. After the very minor fitting, it functions flawlessly.
Won't use any other dust cover again(2018-02-25)
So easy to install it is ridiculous and great quality like all Strike products. Ended up replacing the dust covers on all my AR's.
Produktnr: 100023233 STRIKE INDUSTRIES AR-15 ENHANCED ULTIMATE DUST COVER STANDARD FDE Tillverkarens produktnummer: SI-AR-UDC-E-01-700598350555 Den patentansökta Strike Industries Ultimate Dust Cover gör det möjligt för anvÀndare att fÀsta och ta bort skyddet pÄ 5 till 10 sekunder med lÀtthet! Den Àr tillverkad av en högdensitetspolymer vilket gör den mer hÄllbar och funktionell Àn traditionella dammskydd. Ultimate Dust Cover har en justerbar detentinstÀllningsskruv för att kompensera för slitage pÄ mottagaren och öka eller minska öppningskraften (För att justera detent: anvÀnd en liten platt skruvmejsel och tryck ner kullagret och justera vid behov.)
399SEK46399,00 kr
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. Mer Àn 10 st. i centrallagret.
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
Destination Control Statement: Dessa poster styrs av USA: s regering och godkÀnns endast för export till det land dÀr den slutliga destinationen anvÀnds av den slutliga mottagaren eller slutanvÀndaren som identifierats hÀr. De fÄr inte vidareförsÀljas, överföras eller pÄ annat sÀtt kasseras till nÄgot annat land eller nÄgon annan Àn den godkÀnda slutliga mottagaren eller slutanvÀndaren, antingen i sin ursprungliga form eller efter att ha monterats i andra föremÄl utan att först fÄ godkÀnnande frÄn den amerikanska regeringen eller som annars Àr tillÄten enligt amerikansk lag och förordningar.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Ansvarig ekonomisk aktör enligt EU-förordningen
Brownells Sverige AB
Box 99
793 22 Leksand
Produktnr: 100015724 STRIKE INDUSTRIES AR-15/M16 ULTIMATE DUST COVER Tillverkarens produktnummer: SI-AR-UDC-E-01-700598350548 Den patentansökta Strike Industries Ultimate Dust Cover gör det möjligt för anvÀndare att fÀsta och ta bort skyddet pÄ 5 till 10 sekunder med lÀtthet! Den Àr tillverkad av en högdensitetspolymer vilket gör den mer hÄllbar och funktionell Àn traditionella dammskydd. Ultimate Dust Cover har en justerbar detentinstÀllningsskruv för att kompensera för slitage pÄ mottagaren och öka eller minska öppningskraften (För att justera detent: anvÀnd en liten platt skruvmejsel och tryck ner kullagret och justera vid behov.)
399SEK43399,00 kr
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar. Mer Àn 10 st. i centrallagret.
The patent pending Strike Industries Ultimate Dust Cover enables users to attach and detach the cover in 5 to 10 seconds with ease! It is constructed of a high-density polymer making it more durable and functional than the traditional dust covers. The Ultimate Dust Cover features an adjustable detent set screw in order to compensate wear on the receiver and increase or decrease opening power (To adjust detent: use small flathead driver and depress the ball detent and adjust as necessary.)
Den patentansökta Strike Industries Ultimate Dust Cover gör det möjligt för anvÀndare att fÀsta och ta bort skyddet pÄ 5 till 10 sekunder med lÀtthet! Den Àr tillverkad av en högdensitetspolymer vilket gör den mer hÄllbar och funktionell Àn traditionella dammskydd. Ultimate Dust Cover har en justerbar detentinstÀllningsskruv för att kompensera för slitage pÄ mottagaren och öka eller minska öppningskraften (För att justera detent: anvÀnd en liten platt skruvmejsel och tryck ner kullagret och justera vid behov.)
Antal betyg: 7
FrÄn 7
Medelbetyg: 4,7
Very Nice (2014-11-21)
Ultimate might be an overstatement but it is a very nice piece.
Easy to install... just wind the spring with you finger and snap it on... no tools required.
Nice finish... does not have that oily metal look of mil-spec covers.
Black spring... hate shiny objects on my rifle
The big selling point for me however is the retention ball is adjustable... I have a brand new upper that seems was cut a little too much and after trying 3 other covers on it I put this on... at first it was still popping open if you just bumped the I took a small flathead and turned the set screw a 1/4 turn and BAM... works like a charm.
I don't have any indication on how it holds up to heat and abuse but I would recommend giving this a try on your next build.
Very nice! Wish I had that idea....(2015-03-16)
I tried this on a 3 gun rifle build I am currently doing. Needless to say, but install took about 30 seconds. Fit and function is perfect with an Aero upper. Looking at cerakoting a finish on it next, but it really isn't needed. I will be using these on any build I do from now on.
I would love to see more of the designs come out from Brownells, like the flag design and others. May have to try some of their other products too.
Less parts is More(2015-06-02)
Installed on a new 5.56 build. Great not having to keep track of several parts or assemble them. Pops right into place BUT you do have to think a second about the spring orientation as you place into position. There are no included instructions, but 10 seconds of thinking and it becomes obvious.
Works flawlessly. No maintenance needed. Does seal a bit better than a standard.
Fantastic Alternative(2016-03-16)
The Ultimate Dust Cover is a great little accessory for many ARs. Standard covers have quickly-worn finishes, shiny silver springs, and often iffy fits in the receiver, and the tiny washers holding them in place are known to pop off when firing, at least with heavier cartridges. By contrast, the UDC is made from a tough, matte black plastic, sports a black spring, and uses a pair of spring-loaded plungers for mounting, making installation easier and preventing lost pieces. The plastic body minimizes weight and is even molded with a lining that actually seals off the ejection port, minimizing oil evaporation and providing a positive "pop" when closing the cover. The issue that prevents a fifth star is that the primary spring should have been made a little stiffer, or rather, its opposing ends set farther apart. Though easier to install, the looser spring allows the cover to bounce when moving and firing, and at least one of its ends is always sticking out to the potential detriment of a passing bit of hand or shirt. (I tried giving it an extra twist for strength the first time around, which resulted in a snapped spring tip and an order for another UDC.) While not much of a problem, it is the sole element that makes me miss the snappier original. But all things considered, the Ultimate Dust Cover is definitely worthwhile.
Great Alternative(2016-07-22)
I've got these on several guns now and they will definitely go on future builds. They are high quality and easy to install. If you've finished your build and look back at your upper and think to yourself, "Oh dang I forgot the dust cover!" With the UDC you won't need to remove the barrel nut to install one.
Good product, but may require fitting(2017-01-04)
This product looks good, functions well, and is about half the weight of a standard milspec dust cover when compared on my scale. The only reason I gave this 4 stars is because mine would not swing open freely when installed on my Aero Precision forged upper. All it took was for me to shave off a bit of material around the two ends by the pin with a sharp knife, but it had to happen nonetheless. After the very minor fitting, it functions flawlessly.
Won't use any other dust cover again(2018-02-25)
So easy to install it is ridiculous and great quality like all Strike products. Ended up replacing the dust covers on all my AR's.