- Stil: 2-Stage,Semi-Auto
- Vapentyp: AR-15
- Leveransvikt: 0,077kg
Produkt detaljer
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.c

Produktnr: 100020432 AR-A-MT2
2-stegs semi-auto avtryckare med en dragvikt på 4 lbs. Maskinbearbetad från 8620 stål. Svart.What a pleasant suprise 2017-09-29
i have not heard of this company before when i was looking for a trigger for my latest AR build. I primarily run Geissele triggers in all my AR, but this is a retro Xm177 build. So i thought, hmmmm the SD trigger is going to look really odd on that, with that i proceed to come on Brownells and look for either the DPMS or RRA trigger, before i get to either of those triggers, this one came up and i said to myself, for $90 why not. Fast forward 2 weeks later, i took it out to the range and shot about 50 rounds thru that AR to shake everything down, i was surprised by how closely the pull and the reset is to the RRA NM trigger. Will i recommend it to my friend? Sure, for $20 cheaper than the DPMS, RRA and even the Armalite trigger, it sure is a good deal
Not for Poly lowers 2017-04-26
Be aware this will not function in polymer lowers. It binds up on the release and I have to manually push the trigger forward.
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