Högkvalitativ TRIK Trigger från CASPIAN, designad för 1911 Auto pistoler.
Passar modellerna Government, Commander och Officers, med en skeletterad aluminium sko och rostfri båge.
Kräver montering av vapentillverkare och är kaliber-specifik för .45 ACP om inget annat anges.
Finish:Rostfritt stål
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.c
Finish: Rostfritt stål
Make: 1911
Modell: Government, Commander, Officers
Stil: Skeletonized, Flat
849SEK849 kr
Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt
Produktnr: 168000036
Tillv.nr.: R10TC
Högkvalitativa, precist maskinbearbetade delar från namnet som betyder “custom quality” för seriösa pistolskyttar. Bygg den ultimata anpassade 1911 Auto för målskytte, actionpistol eller taktiska tillämpningar. Reparera eller återställ en befintlig pistol till fabriksstandard eller montera en tävlingspistol som passar dina exakta behov.
Order kan placeras
Restorder. Skickas när den finns i lager. Leveranstid ca 4-12 veckor från centrallagret.
Restorder. Skickas när den finns i lager. Leveranstid ca 4-12 veckor från centrallagret.
Upgrade Your Current 1911 Or Build A High-Quality Custom Pistol
High-quality, precision-machined parts from the name that means “custom quality” to serious pistol shooters. Build the ultimate custom 1911 Auto for target, action-pistol, or tactical applications. Repair or return an existing gun to factory specs or assemble a racegun that fits your exact needs.
SPECS: Fits 1911 Auto. Trik Trigger has stainless steel bow and skeletonized aluminum shoe. Gunsmith fitting required. Caliber-specific parts are .45 ACP unless otherwise noted.
Uppgradera din nuvarande 1911 eller bygg en högkvalitativ anpassad pistol
Högkvalitativa, precist maskinbearbetade delar från namnet som betyder “custom quality” för seriösa pistolskyttar. Bygg den ultimata anpassade 1911 Auto för målskytte, actionpistol eller taktiska tillämpningar. Reparera eller återställ en befintlig pistol till fabriksstandard eller montera en tävlingspistol som passar dina exakta behov.
SPECS: Passar 1911 Auto. Trik Trigger har en båge av rostfritt stål och en skelettiserad sko av aluminium. Anpassning av gunsmith krävs. Kaliber-specifika delar är .45 ACP om inget annat anges.
Top takeaways
Högkvalitativ TRIK Trigger från CASPIAN, designad för 1911 Auto pistoler.
Passar modellerna Government, Commander och Officers, med en skeletterad aluminium sko och rostfri båge.
Kräver montering av vapentillverkare och är kaliber-specifik för .45 ACP om inget annat anges.
Finish:Rostfritt stål
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.c
Kundbetyg (19)
4,7 / 5
Rekommenderar varmt
Smithing required 2018-03-18
Bought for a Stainless Colt Commander.
Spent roughly 2 hours fitting it. I took off about 10,000ths of an inch from the top, and a little from each side
Rekommenderar varmt
Great trigger 2015-11-30
Have installed this trigger on 12 different 1911's, from Dan Wessons to Rock Islands. Minor fitting to trigger block to fit frame, nothing required but a stone or some emory cloth.
Rekommenderar varmt
An outstanding trigger for all shooters 2015-07-22
Trigger installed in a govt. model that I shoot competively that had a short trigger, allowing me to get too much trigger finger into the trigger when shooting fast, which pulled me off target. It went in very slick, with only the smallest interference to clear up where the trigger block goes through the frame. The bow shape out of the box was perfect. Problem solved! I've ordered three more for a customer to refit his 1911 fleet.
Rekommenderar varmt
Great Trigger 2014-08-14
Installed this TRIK Trigger on my Remington R1.Very happy with the result- the take up and travel is very little and yet very crisp.I have to use a ceramic stone to fit the said trigger.It took me a good hour to get the fit that i want.
Rekommenderar varmt
Cool Quality 2014-02-06
If you have long fingers this is your trigger! Feels SO much better than the stock trigger. Really changes the look and feel of the gun. Fit my RIA FS Tactical 9mm with what I would call normal fitting to the top and bottom of the shoe. The bow was perfectly formed and required no work. Don't expect a drop in fit... file and stone required!
Rekommenderar i viss mån
Not for me... 2013-11-19
most certainly did not 'drop right into' my caspian frame, or the 23 other caspian frames that my class are using for our 1911 build- every one with their own trik trigger. maybe it's just me, but i can't get past the look of it either.
Rekommenderar varmt
Not bad 2013-09-09
Takes some getting used to. I like it better than the standard 3 hole. I do have long, thin fingers though. You have to re-teach your finger where to sit...it took me 500 rnds and a gnarly blister.
nice trigger lots of fitting time 2013-01-13
I bought this trigger for my SA stainless loaded. After fitting top and bottom pad and put the gun back together for test run, inserted a mag and the mag is hitting the bow. I noticed that the bow is way thicker than stock. Removed some material from inside of bow. Test again, works great,trigger feels nice. Take up was even reduced because it's thicker.
Rekommenderar varmt
Some fitting with Norinco 2013-01-07
I added this to my "in the process" Norinco Custom 1911. Had some fitting on the top, bottom, and sides, but it's to be expected with pistol that is better manufacturing quality. I'm sure it would almost "drop in" into a Caspian frame. Great trigger.
Rekommenderar varmt
Like the looks.Like the feel. 2012-09-12
Dropped right in. no fitting needed. Looks and feels great. Installed in a Rock Island compact.
Rekommenderar varmt
awesome trigger for the officers ria 2012-09-04
I chose this trigger because of the reviews on how it fit the compact ria, awesome... It fit perfect on my "Zapata Especial" and I was surprised how much smoother and nicer the trigger felt, if you are looking for a trigger for your compact ria, this is the one! copyright Romero 2012
Rekommenderar varmt
great trigger 2012-04-12
This dropped right into my RIA compact and I love it! Near perfect and really dressed up the gun and gave me a great feel on the trigger.
Rekommenderar med reservationer
Nice trigger but did not fit properly. 2012-02-02
The trigger was a little to wide in my RIA. I read a review where someone had on in theirs but it would not work right in mine. The trigger had to be pushed into the trigger frame by force it was so tight. It would have functioned but it rubbed so bad as you pulled it it made it about a 20 lb trgger pull, and felt really edgy like it was getting hung up on the frame. Perhaps it is because i have a nickel plated 1911, maybe the plating caused the tighter tollerances. I am not sure, but it is what it is, will be returning it soon. I really like flat triggers and this thing looks great. I wish it had fit I am sure its a great part. Bought a wilson combat trigger from a local place and it works great in my 1911.
Rekommenderar varmt
Sweet trigger 2011-12-09
Sweet looking trigger, nice fit.
Rekommenderar varmt
no problems 2011-06-09
trigger fit in RIA was perfect. took to range function was perfect. love flat riggers great product.
Rekommenderar varmt
first trigger swap 2011-02-20
dropped right in my RIA officer's model no prob. flat face provides positive finger pad placement.ho
Rekommenderar varmt
Great flat trigger 2011-01-17
The Caspian is far and away the most economical high performance trigger for the single stack 1911. At 1/3 the cost of the nearest competitor with all the performance, it's the obvious choice.
Lengthwise, it is roughly equal to an SVI medium flat or long curved.
I have this trigger on every 1911 I own - competition and carry.
Rekommenderar varmt
Very Highest Quality 2010-05-22
This trigger is of the highest quality - I've installed at least 15 of them during the past 5~6 years. The shoe is slightly oversized, allowing the installer to achieve a perfect fit. They are always perfectly fitted and have never needed the use of a trigger bow anvil to resize. The esthetics are very attractive. I love flat speed triggers, and this one is the best!!
Rekommenderar varmt
Nice Trigger 2010-04-26
Just about dropped right in my kimber pro raptor. a little filing on top and bottom to fit,used a knife sharpener stone worked great.
Uppgradera din 1911 med CASPIAN TRIK TRIGGER! 🔧 Högkvalitativ, anpassad avtryckare för precision och prestanda. Perfekt för tävlingar!
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Bredare, längre tumstöd med lätt nedåtvinkling ger ökad komfort och bättre rekyllkontroll.
Ambidextrös design fungerar lika bra för både höger- och vänsterhänta skyttar.
Tillverkad av CM-stål med polerat blått eller rostfritt stål med blank finish.
CNC-bearbetad stålkonstruktion ger överlägsen hållbarhet för strid eller tävling.
Fiberoptiska stavar producerar en lysande glans i både ljust och svagt ljus utan behov av batterikraft.
Kontrasterande grönt bakre och rött främre sikte säkerställer snabb igenkänning och inriktning av sikten.
Tillverkad av certifierat kolstål och TIG-svetsad för hållbarhet.
Kapacitet på 8 rundor och finns i blå eller klar nickel finish.
Används som originalutrustning av många europeiska handeldvapentillverkare.
Fusion Pro-Series Match Trigger med 3-HOLE design och silverfinish, justerbart lättviktsavtryck i aluminium för 1911-pistoler.
Avtryckarbågen och främre avtryckarplattan är justerbara för optimal passform, justeringsskruv och nyckel ingår.
Kompatibel med de flesta 1911-modeller och kloner, viss anpassning kan krävas.