- Modell: Commander,Government,Officers
- Vapentyp: 1911
- Leveransvikt: 0,005kg
- Leveransbredd: 83mm
- Leveranslängd: 146mm
- UPC: 874218003142
Produktnr: 965011280 R28
874218003142 "Precis som original" delar för att bygga en 1911 Auto eller återställa en pistol till fabriksstandarder.Good value 2015-11-11
These screws work just fine..A good valueI will re order as necessary and will recomend to a friend
Slots are too narrow. 2014-09-24
Screws appear to be good quality. However the slots are narrower than original M1911 screws. John Browning intended the slots to be wide enough to use .45 cartridge to tighten the screws. The slots in these are too narrow.
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