Unik, konvex knappyta för snabbare magasinbyten under tryck.
0,045" längre än fabriksdelen för extra hävstång utan att haka upp sig på kläder eller utrustning.
Tumlad och blästrad för en enhetlig, matt finish med avrundade kanter.
Finish:Svart Manganese Phosphate
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
Finish: Svart Manganese Phosphate
Hand: Höger
Make: 1911
Modell: Government, Commander, Officers
699SEK699 kr
Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt
Produktnr: 100003706
Tillv.nr.: MAGCATCH-C
Drop-in ersättning för fabriks magasinfångst har en unik, konvex knappyta för att säkerställa positiv fingerkontakt för snabba magasinbyten under press. Skarpa, 30 lpi spår underlättar ytterligare vid fumble-fri engagemang; .045" längre än fabriksdelen för extra hävstång utan att skapa en oönskad utbuktning som fastnar på kläder, hölster eller annan utrustning. Tumbled och bead-blasted för en enhetlig, matt finish med rundade "dehorned" kanter. Inuti fångsten är lättad för att möjliggöra omedelbar magasinfrifall när du trycker på knappen. Finns i Kolstål med svart manganfosfatfinish.
Drop-in replacement for factory magazine catch has a unique, convex button surface to ensure positive finger contact for fast magazine changes under pressure. Crisp, 30 lpi serrations further aid in fumble-free engagement; .045" longer than factory part for extra leverage without creating an unwanted protrusion that snags on clothing, holster, or other gear. Tumbled and bead-blasted for a uniform, matte finish with rounded “dehorned” edges. Interior of the catch is relieved to enable instant magazine free-fall when you hit the button. Available in Carbon Steel with black manganese phosphate finish.
SPECS: Carbon steel black matte finish. Gunsmith fitting may be required.
Snabb, Positiv Utlösning Utan Extra Volym
Drop-in ersättning för fabriks magasinfångst har en unik, konvex knappyta för att säkerställa positiv fingerkontakt för snabba magasinbyten under press. Skarpa, 30 lpi spår underlättar ytterligare vid fumble-fri engagemang; .045" längre än fabriksdelen för extra hävstång utan att skapa en oönskad utbuktning som fastnar på kläder, hölster eller annan utrustning. Tumbled och bead-blasted för en enhetlig, matt finish med rundade "dehorned" kanter. Inuti fångsten är lättad för att möjliggöra omedelbar magasinfrifall när du trycker på knappen. Finns i Kolstål med svart manganfosfatfinish.
SPECS: Kolstål med svart matt finish. Anpassning av vapensmed kan krävas.
Top takeaways
Unik, konvex knappyta för snabbare magasinbyten under tryck.
0,045" längre än fabriksdelen för extra hävstång utan att haka upp sig på kläder eller utrustning.
Tumlad och blästrad för en enhetlig, matt finish med avrundade kanter.
Finish:Svart Manganese Phosphate
Produkt detaljer
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x
Kundbetyg (10)
3,6 / 5
It needs fitting 2017-01-16
I bought one of these to complete a parts build on an RIA. I needed to be fitted around both the button and the mag lock areas. Additionally the interior lock needed to be relieved as well to make dropping magazines easier. The bevel feels very nice and the extended length feels right in my hands and I can drop magazines without breaking my grip (I wear XL gloves and have a set of VZ grips with the super scoop). Overall it's a button gentlemen, it works but it'll require fitting in most dimensions.
Rekommenderar i viss mån
Can't use 2015-07-21
It's machined well, but was tearing up Wilson Combat mags. I rounded the edge as much as possible, but it seems like the mags are galling terribly with each insertion.
Good looking mag catch, fit perfectly but still ended up in the trash.
Almost 5 stars 2012-01-08
Mine was slightly over molded and required some filing in order to release the magazine cleanly. Also, it does NOT include the retaining pin and spring.
Rekommenderar varmt
Great design, well executed 2011-11-06
This is a great design concept. 1911 owners need to remember that there is no such thing as a guaranteed drop in part in the world of the 1911. Sometimes you get lucky and other times you have to have a competent gunsmith or armored fit it. There are simply too many manufacturers and variables to account for. That said, this part was easy for me to fit up and works great in my builds.
Rekommenderar varmt
Hands down, a good quality part. 2011-04-01
I don't understand the bad reviews on this particular item. The machine quality is very good. As for the part fitting loose in the frame, I put this release into a Kimber frame with a near perfect fit, so based on the brand of your pistol, your mileage may vary. You will have to fit this part. REMEMBER: This is not a must, but I strongly advise to polish the mag catch lock as well, this will prevent it from dragging in the catch itself, making your release much more smooth. Overall I am very satisfied with this product. 10-8 makes good quality parts.
Rekommenderar inte
not good 2010-06-22
way to small and loose fitting in my Springfield operator. also noticed it had a jagged protruding edge machined on the inside. i like the curved button, and the finish is good, but the machine quality and fit is extremely poor.
10-8 magazine catch 2010-03-27
This does provide a very positive and quick release of the magazine. It is a strong machined part. The slanted contour and serrations provide a very positive tactile surface. Fitting was required to get flush with the frame and to allow proper travel. If you have to file you will need to touch up the blueing. Overall, I like it better than your standard, checkered and extended catch.
10-8 magazine catch 2010-03-27
This part does release the magazine very quickly with minimal presure. The slanted serrated surface provides a very positive tactile surface. I do like it better than similar, extended and checkered magazine releases.
Rekommenderar varmt
High Quality, Nicely Finished 2009-12-30
A well thought out design with clean serrations, without annoying casting lines typical in other brands. Slightly oversized which allows precise fitting regardless of tolerance stacks.
Rekommenderar i viss mån
Expected more out of this part..... 2009-10-14
I love beveled mag releases. Usually I buy a mag release and then have to have it custom beveled and serrated by a gunsmith. So, naturally I was excited when 10-8 started offering these. That's about where the excitement ends. The fit and finish of these parts is really disappointing.
Uppgradera din 1911 med 10-8 Performance Extended Magazine Release! ⚙️ Snabbare magasinbyten och förbättrad hantering. Perfekt passform och stil.
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