- Finish: Blånerad
- Hand: Höger
- Modell: Commander,Government,Officers
- Vapentyp: 1911
- Leveransvikt: 0,005kg
- Leveransbredd: 83mm
- Leveranslängd: 146mm
- UPC: 874218002954
Produkt detaljer
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A501.x

Produktnr: 965011150
874218002954 "Precis som original" delar för att bygga en 1911 Auto eller återställa en pistol till fabriksstandarder.Not Wilson Combat quality 2016-04-26
When I took this out of the packaging I noted that the release was over machined to the point that I can see a small part of spring from the rear scalloped side.
I can see if I bought a cheap replica from another mfg but am disappointed Wilson Combat let this one get through quality control.
Works as advertised 2015-08-03
The checkering is solid and wont let your thumb slip off. Great value, definitely worth the money. The only problem I had was that it was very tight to get in, let alone operate. After using the plastic end of a screwdriver to depress it over and over it seemed to work pretty well. If you are custom building a 1911 that might not be a problem.
Vi stötte på ett fel när vi laddade innehållet. Vänligen uppdatera sidan för att fortsätta. Om problemet kvarstår, kontakta vår kundtjänst.