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Byt ut din 10/22® skruv med VOLQUARTSEN's takedown screw för snabbare demontering 🔧. Ingen modifiering behövs, perfekt passform!


810162010577 930000026


  • Modell: 10/22
  • Vapentyp: Ruger
  • Leveransvikt: 0,005kg
  • Leveranshöjd: 15mm
  • Leveransbredd: 71mm
  • Leveranslängd: 86mm
  • UPC: 810162010577

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA
  • Specifikationer:
  • Make: Ruger
  • Modell: 10/22
189 189 1 SEK
189 SEK 189 kr

Priser inkl. moms, exkl. frakt

Produktnr: 930000026

Tillv.nr.: VC10TD

810162010577 Ersättning för fabriksbult som eliminerar de oattraktiva slitna och skadade skruvöppningarna. Möjliggör snabbare och enklare borttagning av kolven, och ger en unik anpassad touch till din 10/22®. Inga modifieringar av kolv eller mottagare krävs.
  • Specifikationer:
  • Make: Ruger
  • Modell: 10/22


Visa original (engelska)
Attraktivt & Säkert
Ersättning för fabriksbult som eliminerar de oattraktiva slitna och skadade skruvöppningarna. Möjliggör snabbare och enklare borttagning av kolven, och ger en unik anpassad touch till din 10/22®. Inga modifieringar av kolv eller mottagare krävs.


  • Modell: 10/22
  • Vapentyp: Ruger
  • Leveransvikt: 0,005kg
  • Leveranshöjd: 15mm
  • Leveransbredd: 71mm
  • Leveranslängd: 86mm
  • UPC: 810162010577

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA


Kundbetyg (11)

3,8 / 5
Rekommenderar inte

Brownells USA Not Quite the Real Thing 2014-08-14

This screw is 1/8" shorter than the screw furnished by Ruger. And now (2014) that Ruger has standardized on a socket head screw you're better off with the real thing. After trying this one, I bought two from Ruger. They cost half as much as the VQ.

Rekommenderar varmt

Brownells USA Fit Fine For This Build 2013-07-27

Built a 10/22 using:

Timney 10/22 Drop-In Trigger Assembly 883-000-038WB -- great trigger, drop in with no fitting required. The lever magazine release is a great addition, helping with making the rifle a little more ambidextrous. The spring loaded bolt release works as we are accustomed to unlike the factory release. The trigger pull is crisp and clean reminiscent of the Jewel triggers on my 700. The trigger is a vast improvement over factory. 4 stars as the pull measured 3lbs on my Lyman gauge, preferred for hunting but as it is not adjustable I don't consider this a bench rest trigger.

ER Shaw Fluted 10/22 .920 Target Barrel, SS 100-004-747WB -- everything I was looking for. Looks great and shoots great. 1/2" groups at 75 yards on a 100 degree, 10 - 15 mph gusty day with 20 year old Remington Golden Bullet HP, very satisfying. The barrel dropped right into the action and was installed using the factory V-block without barrel droop. V-block barrel retaining screws were just snugged. Checked with a set of headspace gauges and everything was fine and good to go. A 5 star barrel for sure.

Hogue 10/22 Overmolded Rifle Stock B/B Rubber Covering 408-220-100WB -- The stock I wanted was out of stock so I got this one to do the build. I am liking it. Feels good in hand and on the shoulder. Ambidextrous Bedding was accurate and felt solid. With the action screw torqued to 18 in-lbs the Shaw barrel was dollar bill free floated from 1" behind the flutes to the muzzle. The semi-varmint fore end is a joy in hand or on a bag. 4 Stars as the fore end will flex enough to touch the barrel with moderate straight line side hand pressure, a hasty sling or tight sling. Still I may well forget about the stock I wanted that cost 2-1/2 times as much, this one shoots and feels so good.

Volquartsen 10/22 Socket Head Takedown Screw 930-000-O26WB -- Comparing this screw to my factory screw it is about 2-1/2 threads shorter. However it fit this build just fine, earning it 5 Stars. It and the receiver handled 18 in-lbs of torque without problem.

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Brownells Sverige AB
Box 99
793 22 Leksand

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