- Modell: XD,XD-M
- Vapentyp: Springfield
- Leveransvikt: 0,023kg
XD Extractor Tool 2015-05-25
This simple and effective tool makes getting the XD Extractor out of the gun a snap. No more drilling or tapping or trying to pry it out with a screw driver. Use the notched tip of the tool by sliding it down between the extractor and the wall of the slide, give it a slight turn to get the lip under the extractor and pivot it back to raise it up and out. Remember to disassemble the fire pin safety plunger first.
Vi stötte på ett fel när vi laddade innehållet. Vänligen uppdatera sidan för att fortsätta. Om problemet kvarstår, kontakta vår kundtjänst.