Hornady SST-kulor är designade för extremt platta banor med en strömlinjeformad profil och polymerstipp för snabb expansion och maximal energiöverföring.
Matchklassens mantel ger kirurgisk precision, medan den kraftiga konstruktionen med InterLock-funktionen säkerställer djup penetration.
Hornady SST Bullets feature a streamlined profile for ultra-flat trajectories. Poymer tip allows for rapid expansion and maximum energy transfer. Match-grade jacket delivers surgical accuracy. Heavy construction with InterLock feature delivers deep penetration every time.
Hornady SST-kulor har en strömlinjeformad profil för ultraflata banor. Polymertippen möjliggör snabb expansion och maximal energitransfer. Matchklassad mantel ger kirurgisk noggrannhet. Den tunga konstruktionen med InterLock-funktion ger djup penetrering varje gång.
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Hornady SST-kulor är designade för extremt platta banor med en strömlinjeformad profil och polymerstipp för snabb expansion och maximal energiöverföring.
Matchklassens mantel ger kirurgisk precision, medan den kraftiga konstruktionen med InterLock-funktionen säkerställer djup penetration.
Tillverkas i USA
USA: s exportklassificering: 0A505.x
Kundbetyg (15)
4,5 / 5
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Go to white tail bullet 2017-12-31
With a charge of 4831 and .002 off riflings a Browning A-bolt will make one ragged hole after two fouling shots. Sweet
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150 gr .277 SST all a rounder 2016-09-17
Great bullet and my favorite for the 270 win. Have used it to harvest game from bobcat to deer and elk. Planning to use it on goat this year. I'm confident that if I do my part the 150 SST will not let me down.
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Hornady 165 gr SST 2016-06-21
I have hand loaded the Hornady SST for all of my rifles and the XTP for all of my pistols for about 4 years. The accuracy, hard hitting and ease of loading is remarkable. The ballistic tip maintains quality tracking to 573 yards on last years bull. I have taken multiple deer and elk with the SST and never tracked beyond 40 yards. The Hornady line has taken over all of hand loading needs of nine (9) hunting rifles from 5.56 to .338 mag and six (6) pistols of 9mm, .38, .40, .45,. Never let me down.
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Amazing bullets 2016-06-17
I purchased these to throw out of my 7mm Magnum rifle. It's shooting out of 22" bbl, Savage 110 factory rifle, factory stock, off of a bipod. Shooting these at 200 yards, I can keep them in a 1" pattern with no problem. I have yet to use them on game, but if they are anything like the .264 and .308 SST's, it will drop a deer without issues. I love the SST bullets as they are tough and accurate, best part is they won't break the bank! I am hoping they work just as well in my 7mm Mauser, so we will see.
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Can't Beat Them 2015-09-10
I bought these to try out of my Rem 700 Tactical (1:10 Twist 20"bbl). I have them over a medium/heavy load of RL-15 (39.8gn) set to .060" off the lands. With this setup, it's 1/2MOA out of my rifle at 100 yards. These have a surprisingly lighter recoil than I expected with such a heavy pill. From what I can tell, the 15 that I have picked from the box to load are within .5gn of each other and the lengths are very consistent. I am going to switch to these (was shooting 165gn) as they use a bit less powder, cost the same, and have a little better ballistics for longer range shots. You can't go wrong with Hornady.
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Hornady SST's a good bet 2015-02-18
Hard hitting bullet upwards of 400 yards. Have not had to track any farther than 30 yards. Use mostly on whitetails.
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As good as it gets 2014-10-25
I have reloaded many different brands and types of bullets for my Kimber 300 Win mag, and these are as good as any brand. I just took a Mule deer at 582 yards and this bullet performed flawlessly with brutal impact, the bullet did not come apart and went through the chest cavity and exited. One shot one kill with Hornady
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Great Bullet 2014-02-18
I use this bullet for reloading my 6.5 Grendel. After trying several bullet types and weights this one turned out to be the most accurate. At 100 yards it will hold 3/4" from a 16" barreled AR over a charge of Viht N140. Haven't chrono'd the load yet or had an opportunity to use it on game, but when I do another review will follow. From what I've read the on game performance should be pretty good.
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Not for large animals! 2013-03-18
Hit Blue Wildebest on front shoulder and bullet exploded with no penetration. Finally killed him with quartering away shot that went in behind ribs and got into boiler room. Also had 2 Gemsbock run forever after hitting in shoulder, bullets would not penetrate bone without fragmenting. Will never use again!
awseome on coyotes 2013-01-28
Loaded at 2950 fps, they are accurate and hold togather very well pelt damage is minnimal and energy transfer is instant.
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Used in a 7mm08 2012-11-09
I purchased these for my Remington 700 sps in 7mm08. I shot a 140lb doe at 400yrd!!! Deer went 30 yrds and dropped dead. Pentatration was deep, plus it didnt waste an of the meat. Will buy these for all my future handloads.
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Explosive and Accurate 2012-11-04
Factory loads in the .243 have proven to be accurate and super explosive. The problem is penetration! First small buck shot at 100 yards ran 150 yards. Shot slightly behind shoulder and a little high, almost no blood trail for first 100 yard. Massive damage , one lung shot. Second buck hit in lung, dropped at 25 yards, got up and took off. No blood trail. Deer lost. I think I'll switch back to Nosler Partitions. I hate to think of taking on a big hog with this weak penetration!
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I am a convert 2012-09-07
The flatest shooting.The grouping was twice as good as any other i've tried.
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great bullet 2011-09-19
by far the best bullet i have ever used on deer sized game,love the SST's
Upptäck Hornady SST 6mm kulor med polymertipp för snabb expansion och kirurgisk precision. ✨ Perfekta för jakt och sportskytte!
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Hornady InterLock Bullets har en aerodynamisk sekant ogiv för platta banor och stor precision.
InterLock-ringen låser kärnan och manteln tillsammans för djup penetration och kontrollerad expansion.
Blylegeringskärnan är tillräckligt tålig för allt vilt.
Lee Factory Crimp Die ger en fastare krimpning än andra verktyg, vilket förbättrar precisionen.
Verktyget inkluderar ett collet som klämmer ihop hylsmynningen mot krimpningsspåret för ett fast grepp.
Passar alla 7/8"-14 laddpressar och inkluderar inte shellholder.
Pro-Hunter®-designen kombinerar traditionell, platt bas med Sierras precision för maximal expansion och djup penetration.
Kulorna är av typen Spitzer Pointed (SPT) med en diameter på 0.243 tum och en vikt på 100 grain.
Ballistic Coefficient (G1) är 0.373 och Sectional Density är 0.242, vilket bidrar till spelstoppande prestanda med ett enda skott.