- Modell: M77
- Vapentyp: Ruger
- Leveransvikt: 0,009kg
- Leveransbredd: 83mm
- Leveranslängd: 146mm
M77 Front Mounting Screw with Allen Head 2017-11-08
This will make torquing the front mounting screw a much easier and more secure process without marring or scratching the rifle. I know because I made one from a screw purchased at a local hardware store. It is important to me because I verify the torque several times a year knowing proper torque can make a difference on shot group tightness.
The original screw is black, whereas this one is stainless--being concealed this aspect doesn't matter to me. My original front mounting screw has a slotted head, and I find it very challenging to torque it to Ruger's spec of 95 inch-lbs without any marring or scratching for the following reasons:
1. The screw's ~45 degree angle required to attach the stock to the receiver,
2. Finding a screw bit head with enough thickness to securely fit the wide slot but no wider than the screw head to fit the narrow, opening concealed by the hinged end of the magazine floor plate, and
3. Keeping the screw head securely in the screw slot without slipping while torquing to spec.
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