- Modell: Single Six
- Vapentyp: Ruger
- Leveransvikt: 0,005kg
- Leveransbredd: 83mm
- Leveranslängd: 146mm
Dowel? Roll pin. 2018-07-05
Other than the description of a common item called a ROLL PIN, it's the right part. This confusing description issue crops up often in gun parts and makes it difficult to find them on Brownell's site. I searched using "Ruger Revolver grip frame roll pin" and got nothing. That's exactly what it is though.
installing hogue grips 2010-04-08
i bought my gun used and the grip panel dowel was missing so when i was going to install the new hogue monogrip i had to have it.after getting it from brownells i was able to get those hogue grips on and the dowel worked great. my gun is a blued gun but that stainless steel dowel will never rust and last forever.i am a very satisfied customer.
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